Lammas是什么意思 Lammas在线中文翻译


Lammas 网络解释

  1. 圣彼德入日
    ...lamitendons 幕骨前板腱 | lammas 圣彼德入日 | lammergeierlammergeyer 髭兀鹰...
  2. 圣彼德入日/收/节
    ...lamitendons /幕骨前板腱/ | lammas /圣彼德入日/收/节/ | lammergeier /髭兀鹰/...
  3. 圣彼得入狱日; 八月一日收获节 (名)
    ...laminose 由薄片叠成的 (形) | Lammas 圣彼得入狱日; 八月一日收获节 (名) | lampblack 灯黑 (名)...

Lammas 双语例句

  1. One explanation for the origin of the term " lammas " is that it referred to the time when a feudal tribute of lambs was paid, but in fact it has nothing to do with this.
  2. Therefore, Lammas is the first of three harvesting celebrations.
  3. Humans were boring when they were children, anticipated grow, they want to go back to child ren when they are old; they wasted health to win personal wealth, then waste their wealth to rebuild their health; their anxious to longing, forget the life before their eyes, lives for the purpose of not only now but also future, their lived as if latter lammas to die. their died as if never lives.
  4. Spice and exotic woods commanded attractive prices on the galactic market, and Haruun Kal is the sole source of the galaxy's thyssel bark, portaak leaf, jinsol, tyruun and lammas wood.
  5. Beads to represent 8 spokes of the Wheel of the Year (Samhain, Winter Solstice, Candlemas, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Autumn Equinox) I use 8 of the same beads but you can find ones to represent each of the 8 spokes
  6. One explanation for the origin of the term " lammas " is that it referred to the time when a feudal tribute of lambs was paid, but in fact it has nothing to do with this.

Lammas ['læmәs]

n. (英国的)收获节(8月1日)
n commemorates Saint Peter's miraculous deliverance from prison; a quarter day in Scotland; a harvest festival in England