Lahu是什么意思 Lahu在线中文翻译


Lahu 网络解释

  1. 拉祜族
    ...几乎迷失在掸邦最东部的佤族 (Wa) 、掸族、阿卡族 (Akha) 和拉祜族 (Lahu) 的村落中,景栋有年代久远的寺庙、一座小湖和一个水牛市场,邻近的村子风景美不胜收,是徒步游的好去处....
  2. 拉祜
    ...在泰国西北部深山中的山地部落,聚集着来自西藏的阿卡(akha)、拉祜(lahu)、傈僳(lisu)族,和来自中国中部地区的瑶族、苗族. 前者约15万人,是泰国少数民族中最穷的种族之一,他们信奉万物有灵论,平时种植鸦片、玉米、大米供自己食用....
  3. 拉祜语简志
    ...柯尔克孜语简志 Kirgiz 1986 | 拉祜语简志 Lahu 1986 | 黎语简志 Li 1980...

Lahu 双语例句

  1. Lahu population of 453, 705, mainly in Yunnan.
    23拉祜族人口453,705 主要在云南。
  2. Walk around 15 minutes to Lahu village and continue along jungle trails to the remote village of Hmong Pha Mieng 1?
  3. Recently there is a group of Lahu people coming to our church.
  4. Among all the populations in the world we know, the frequency of DPB1*0301 in Drung and 2801 in Lahu are the highest. It can be explained by random drift, or by certain selection pressure in an isolated environment.
  5. Six ancient and representative ethnic groups from Yunnan and Guangxi province were analyzed by this method. A total of 33 DPB1 alleles were found, in which DPB1*2801 (26.9%) and 0501 (24.0%) in Lahu, DPB1*0501 (23.2%), 0402 (13.4%) and 0401 (11.6%) in Naxi, DPB1*0501 (47.4%) and 0402 (14.9%) in Pumi, DPB1*0501 (54.1%) and 1301 (10.2%) in Yao, DPB1*0501 (31.0%), 03011 (27.5%) and 0402 (23.9%) in Drung and DPB1*0501 (47.6%), 1301 (19.5%) and 03011 (14.6%) in Jing were the most predominant alleles.
  6. In the afternoon, visit a Palong Hilltribe, a more primitive village before starting 2 hour's trekking from a Karen to a Lahu village. Continue by road to Lanna Farm.
  7. April 15, 2009-- A wooden casket decorated with six different gods was among those recently found in a cache of 52 rock tombs in Lahun, a site about 75 miles (120 kilometers) south of Cairo, Egyptian archaeologists announced.
  8. Lahu's Esha adores and Lahu nation morality has the close connection, nation to work in unity and close cooperation in morality; Conjugal harmony, equality of men and women; Revere an old people; The close relative is internuptial; Treasure a stockaded village; Come content such as kindhearted, not pilfer diligently to be controlled mysterious strength in being that Smriti being adored the morality affecting what be taken form, these by Esha is also adored by Esha.
  9. They have narrower head breadth, face breadth and bigonial breadth but wider mouth breadth than Han nationality. Lahu nationality belongs to y...
    其头面部 10项均值聚类分析和 8项主要均值比较结果表明,拉祜族与阿昌族和傈僳族最接近,与基诺族最远。
  10. LIU Jinrong XIAO Dong (Yunnan University for Nationalities, P. R. C):Comparative study of the semantic features of four syllable patterns between Lahu language and modern Chinese
    刘劲荣 肖冬:拉祜语汉语四音格词语义特征比较研究
  11. There are 17 ethnic groups with a population of between 100, 000 and one million, including She, Lisu, Gelo, Lahu, Dongxiang, Va, Shui, Naxi, Qiang, Tu, Xibe, Mulam, Kirgiz, Daur, Jingpo, Salar and Maonan.
  12. Yunnan is a multi-ethnic provinces, the main peoples have the Yi, Bai, Hani, Zhuang, Dai, Miao, Lisu, Hui, Lahu, Wa, Naxi, Yao, Manchu, Beijing, Gelao years ago economic development, etc..1949 slowly, after the establishment of The People's Republic of China has great development.
  13. With this modified method the genetic polymorphisms of HLA-DRB1 gene were examined in five populations, Lahu, Naxi, Pumi, Yao and Drung ethnic groups, from Yunnan Province of South China.
  14. Traditional medicine is not the only choice for Lahu people to see a doctor today.
  15. Meanwhile, some applied research on traditional medicinal plants should be paid more attention for economic development of Lahu community.
  16. The clothes of the Lahu ethnic group are quite beautiful.
  17. When Christianity as a foreign culture came into the Lahu society, the belief of God Esha has become the important carrier and platform for Christianity to spread, get powerful vitality, and to be localized.
  18. The Lahu ethnic group; Belief of God Esha; Christianity; Interaction and Integration; Social Harmony
  19. The change of traditional life, the influence of exotic culture, and the changes of views of young Lahu are the main factors that have caused the erosion of traditional medicine.
  20. Lahu is a hard-working, courageous, always ahead of the nation, they have a long history and ancient culture.

Lahu [ˈlɑ:hu:]

n. 拉祜族(人)
n a Loloish language