Kelvin relations是什么意思 Kelvin relations在线中文翻译

Kelvin relations

Kelvin relations 双语例句

  1. Last, Based on the average stress and strain relations between the anisotropic porous medium and its anisotropic or isotropic constituents, the constituent equation of effective elastic matrix and constituent elastic matrices, and the constituent equations of effective elastic moduli and constituent elastic moduli of the anisotropic constituent model are derived along with a discussion about the weighting pattern of elastic moduli. The correspondence principle between elastic and viscoelastic isotropic constituent porous medium model is derived on the basis of analyses of the Kelvin medium model, and then the constitutive equation and the constituent equations of elastic moduli, and constituent expressions of phase velocity, attenuation coefficient and quality factor are obtained with the aid of this principle.

Kelvin relations

Kelvin relations