Keep upright是什么意思 Keep upright在线中文翻译

Keep upright

Keep upright 词典解释


Keep upright 网络解释

  1. 勿倒置
    ...Handle With Care 小心轻放 | Keep Upright 勿倒置 | Use No Hooks 请勿倒挂...
  2. 切勿倒置
    ...竖直安放:TO BE KEEP UPRIGHT | 切勿倒置:KEEP UPRIGHT | 此端向上:THIS END UP...
  3. 竖放
    ...keep out of the sun 避免阳光 | keep upright 竖放 | key currency 主要通货...
  4. 请勿倒置
    ...储存干燥处 Keep in a Dry Place | 请勿倒置 Keep Upright | 请勿倾倒 Not to Be Tipped...

Keep upright 双语例句

  1. A support placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright.
  2. It basically operates the main point as follows: The left hand holds the ticket, the palm is downward, the thumb is pinned in the middle of the left end of the front of the bank note, the forefinger and middle finger are on the back of the bank note, pinch the bank note together with thumb; Left hand the third finger naturally curly, pinch, get up bank note little finger stretch to bank note front push down bank note below the Left deviation; The middle finger of left hand is exerted oneself slightly, the bank note of tight card together with the third finger, little finger; The left hand forefinger is stretched, the thumb is moved upwards, pin the side of the bank note, keep the bank note into the tile shape; Left hand wipe from tabletop bank note, bank note turn, thumb strength wiped from tabletop to borrow prop up bank note covering of a fan and oblique to oneself of WeiKai Cheng; Three fingers of right hand dip in water, rotate and move the lower right corner of the bank note downwards sharp with the thumb, the forefinger cooperates with the thumb to rotate and move on the back of the bank note; Play in one`s arms, count while ordering with right hand the third finger bank note got up to rotate; Pay attention to the posture at the some paper money, the health is straight and upright, the eyes It must keep eyeball and bank note from, put dual tactics elbow at tabletop.
  3. You had to constantly adjust the position of your hand to keep the object upright.
  4. This will keep you more upright.
  5. They were not very comfortable to ride and a bit unmanageable to keep upright.
  6. Why is it important to keep the chest upright in all circumstances?
  7. Please keep your seat belt fastened and keep your seat in the upright position.
  8. Please keep your seat belts on and your seats in the upright position
  9. So keep your head upright and still as possible right before contact.
  10. Since the new China was established, how to contain corruption in order to keep the party and the government to be honest and upright?
  11. This is a classic control problem, in which a vehicle tries to keep a pole mounted on its top by a hinge upright by moving back and forth.
  12. You don't have to use the stands to keep them upright, but because they add so much to the display, this is one case where you might want to consider it anyway.
  13. To keep one's balance: to keep steady, remain upright 保持平衡, 站稳 subtitle
  14. Broad minded, upright, and eyes crystal of, magnanimous; narrow-mindedness is often of virtual spaces, eyes overcast fraud, crafty; Zhihuai lofty, the vision attachment; Weiren thin, and vision fluctuations; because of self-denial in his eyes, restrained; because of greed, eye exposure; honest and keen to make eyes like a sword scabbard; cruel and vicious to make eyes, such as snakes and scorpions dormant; erudite person, revealing the eyes of comprehending; ignorant people, but only keep the eyes of suspicion; self-confident person looking Caine and Yi; inferiority complex were unlucky and bad eyes; Taichetaiwu, the eyes of a spark of wisdom erased; Clueless, the eyes only of the clouds floating at a loss......
  15. We will keep lease of life upright and unafraid all the time, will continue product providing extensive customer with high grade and will serve.
  16. It would have required an experienced man to keep the top-heavy sled upright, and Hal was not such a man.
  17. Here I would like to point out in particular that, as an intellect, the upright and the care from Shang Yang make him respectable. I had talked over many such topics with him, I know intellects like him keep words and deeds are rare out of the rare. System had eaten up most people's souls, system had become a dirt-hiding place, Those complacent dignitaries are no more than mediocre persons.
  18. Always keep liquid containers upright and as near to their correct orientation as possible during storage, transportation, and use.
  19. Stay upright stay true, on the road you choose keep on going.
  20. Why do some people believe that it is their role in life to make others live's somehow conform to theirs so that their walls stay upright and they don't have to do any work to improve their world and keep it from crashing down on them?

Keep upright

[网络] 切勿倒置;请勿倒置;保持直立
Keep upright


upright: 普通用词,指竖立、笔直而不是倾斜、倒塌的。
vertical: 指与平面、水平线或基线成直角或几乎成直角向上延伸至顶点的物体。也可指呈直线上升或下降的。
erect: 指笔直挺拔,而非倾斜、佝偻、弯曲或倒塌的。
perpendicular: 指与水平线形成90度的线或面,或朝垂直方面延伸的,尤指向下的急剧运动。
plumb: 建筑上用词,凭锤球评判某物是否完全垂直。

conserve: 一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。
reserve: 正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。
retain: 指继续保持。
withhold: 指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。
preserve: 主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。
keep: 最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。

have: 最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。
hold: 指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。
possess: 较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。
own: 不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。
enjoy: 指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。
keep: 指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。