KV3000是什么意思 KV3000在线中文翻译


KV3000 双语例句

  1. As a well-known antivirus software, KV3000 also has a very powerful and the Master Boot Record partition repair function.
  2. However, if there are D, E, such as extended partition, under normal circumstances, KV3000 to get back behind the partition was not damaged, reconstruction of a new main hard drive partition table, and then use DOS boot floppy disk computer system, it access to hard drive D, E, such as zoning.
  3. With KV3000, Rising, Kingsoft, such as antivirus software provided by your computer boot floppy, and then in the DOS environment, killing the virus on the system operation.
    借助 KV3000、瑞星、金山等杀毒软件提供的引导软盘启动计算机,接着在 DOS 环境中对系统进行病毒查杀操作。
  4. DAT. When the hard disk master boot virus information is destroyed or damaged master boot record, leading to the hard disk can not be activated, re-use KV3000/A: HDPT.
  5. Fused Zirconia mullite, white Fused Alumina, it possesses five electric arc funaces till now, annual productive capacity of the above products is 50, 000mt. It can process and supply supply products of all kinds of size according to the custom demands.

