Javanese是什么意思 Javanese在线中文翻译

Javanese 英 [ˌdʒɑ:və'ni:z] 美 [ˌdʒɑ:və'ni:z]


Javanese 词典解释


Javanese 网络解释

  1. 爪哇人
    ...很多爪哇人(Javanese)买不起太多的肉食,日常就以大米、黄豆为食,但他们摄取的蛋白质也都很充足. 这是因为米糠和棕色米都能降低人体内胆固醇的含量. 胆固醇是一种人体需要合成荷尔蒙和细胞膜的脂肪类物质. 它不溶于血液,...
  2. 爪哇猫
    ...爪哇猫(Javanese) 原产:英国 祖先:阿比西尼亚猫/暹罗猫混种 起源:1973年 特征:爪哇猫有着和东方型猫一样的性格特征. 它外向而好言,声音带乐音. 它专一,像小狗一样喜欢尾随主人,而且它很懂得怎样得到主人的宠爱....
  3. 爪哇的
    ...Java 爪哇 | Javanese 爪哇的 | mysticism 神秘主义...
  4. (爪哇语)
    ...paprika:红椒 | Javanese(爪哇语) | batik:蜡染...

Javanese 双语例句

  1. But shortly after, he was driven out, either by the Siamese or by the Javanese forces of the Majapahit Empire.
    尽管它曾被认为是固若金汤的堡垒,但还是于 1942 年被日本占领。
  2. She told him to go to the east of Java to found a kingdom on the place where a maja -tree just had one fruit; the fruit was bitter, pait in Javanese, and the kingdom got the name of Majapahit.
    她告诉他去东部的爪哇发现了王国的地点峰树只是一个水果;的果实是苦,pait 在爪哇和英国得到的名称
  3. As Muslims, and as Javanese, our responsibility is to raise our children.
  4. Is The Javanese Cat The Right Breed For You?
  5. A traditional javanese wedding is so complicated, it needs plenty of time for preparation.
    一个传统的 javanese 婚礼如此复杂,它为准备需要许多时间。
  6. My fiance and i decided to marry, my family encouraged us to have a traditional javanese wedding ceremony, and we agreed.
    我的未婚夫和 i 决定结婚,我的家庭激励我们有一个传统的 javanese 婚礼典礼,而且我们同意。
  7. She has played Javanese gamelan for many years and has composed several compositions using these instruments.
  8. Her identity is of a complex goddess named goddess or queen of the Southern Sea of Java in Javanese and Sundanese mythology.
    她的身份是一个复杂的女神命名的女神或女王的南海的Java (印度洋或萨穆德拉Kidul )在爪哇和巽他的神话。
  9. Although it is the beauty of the Javanese Spirit-Queen that became a popular motif, and got related with the beauty of Sundanese and Javanese princesses, and their ability to change shape several times a day.
  10. The Javanese, the people God is entrusting to me!?
  11. Before I arrived I had assumed that I would stay with one of the Chinese whom I had met in May. But indeed God prepared a Javanese home-stay in a Javanese area.
  12. A hard cream-colored wax obtained from a Javanese fig tree.
  13. The places of Rongkob and Karang Bolong along the South-coast of Central Java got famous for the edible bird's nests, made by the little sea swallows named Salanganen or Collocalia fuciphaga; famous because of the wayang performances which are held, and the Javanese ritual dances which are performed during gamelan music at the traditional ceremony.
    地点Rongkob和加龙沿着南海岸的中部爪哇了著名的食用菌鸟的巢,由小海燕子命名 Salanganen 或金丝燕fuciphaga ;有名的,因为地方戏曲表演的举行,以及爪哇舞仪式这是演出期间加麦兰音乐的传统仪式。
  14. Small semi-evergreen shrubby tree of southeastern United States having hairy young branchlets and leaves narrowing to a slender bristly point. Javanese foliage plant grown for their handsome velvety leaves with violet-purple hairs.
  15. Language: Dutch is the official language. Other languages include English, Surinamese, Hindu Suriname Hindustani, and Javanese.
  16. Glowing hula hoop meets Javanese Gamelan.
  17. When the Javanese kings first immigrated here in the sixteenth century, they essentially established a feudal colony, with a strict caste system which like all self-respecting caste systems tended not to trouble itself with consideration for those at the bottom.
  18. Although the monuments were basically indian, the Javanese builders stamped their own unique style on them.
  19. She named it Boco, the Javanese word for read.
  20. Javanese foliage plant grown for their handsome velvety leaves with violet-purple hairs.

Javanese 单语例句

  1. Senior chefs from Indonesia will serve up authentic Javanese food with special sauces and ingredients all flown in from the country.
  2. In 1900, he moved to Yogyakarta and learned the art of Javanese puppetry and music.

Javanese [.dʒævә'ni:z]

n. 爪哇语;爪哇人
adj. 爪哇的;爪哇语的;爪哇人的
n. a native or inhabitant of Java
n. the Indonesian language spoken on Java
a. of or relating to or characteristic of Java or its inhabitants or its language