JCR是什么意思 JCR在线中文翻译

JCR 英 [ˌdʒeɪ si: ˈɑ:(r)]

JCR 双语例句

  1. The following results of this work reveal: the frequently published journals are cited more frequently and also with high impact factor and immediacy index, in addition, they are usually accompanied with short citing half-life (usually cite current literature).
    本研究旨在探讨 JCR 中一般内科医学及外科医学各种期刊之引用数据,分析各数值所代表的意义,并利用皮尔森积差相关系数比较其间的相互关系,以深入了解二主题期刊之特性与引用数据的意义。
  2. Following is a partial listing of some of the most highly cited publications, based on the 2000JCR.
  3. WANG Guo-long LI Pei, (Shanghai Jiaotong University Library, Shanghai 201101)Abstract According to the source journals of SCI covered by the SCI Journal Citation Report in 2001, a statistics of the 5752 journals was made. The result showed that the journals were published in 64 countries, USA ranking the first, which produced 2220 titles and P R China ranking the thirteenth, which provided 57 titles. One hundred and sixty-five specialized subjects were covered and the number of medicine and biology journals were many more than that in other categories.
  4. Based on the indexes and methods of statistics and scientometrics, this paper set up a statistical model for the evaluation and classification of the journals cited by JCR (abbrev. Journals Citation Reports).
  5. I'll begin with a high-level discussion of the Repository model to familiarize you with the JCR.
  6. JSR-170 has made efforts to ensure portability across JCR implementations.
  7. The jcr-1.0.jar is additionally available in the JSR-170 specifications download, found on the Java Community Process Web site.
  8. Just as object-relationship mapping frameworks transformed database programming, the JCR API has the potential to dramatically change the way we think about and develop content applications.
  9. In this article, the author introduced 16 journals that the internationally famous database JCR, including periodical basic situation, issue organization information, periodical influence factor, relevant contact way and periodical include thesis range, etc.
  10. Based on the analysis of the Journal Citation Report (JCR) by the Scientific Information Institute (ISI) of the United States, a statistic study was carried out on the sports journals included in the Science Citation Index (SCI).
  11. This column features an overview of the Institute for Scientific Information's (ISI) Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database.
  12. It requires a single child node, called jcr: content.
  13. Sitting on top of the data storage, JCR offers content services like granular access control, versioning, content events, full-text search and filtering among others.
  14. Using the data in the 2002 edition of the ISI Journal Citation Reports, forestry journals indexed by SCI were summarized.
  15. For application where plain JCR code is required, the JCR module allows the transparent use of a transaction driven session with code that uses the JCR API directly.
  16. Mix: referenceable: provides an auto-created jcr: uuid property that gives the node a unique, referenceable identifier
  17. In JCR, indexing same-name siblings begins at1, not0.
  18. The total IF of the journals are 8278 and average IF for a journal is 1.44 and 328 super core journals selected by Bradford Law and 74 of them were introduced in the paper. Keywords: SCI; JCR; Core Journals; IF; Document statistics; Bradford Law
  19. According to animal science journals covered on the SCI Journal Citation Report (CDROM) in 2000, this paper sorts in light of impact factor and introduces the twenty main journals whose impact factor is over 0500, for helping the teachers and researchers contribute and retrieve.
  20. Is a relatively new project compared to Jackrabbit and eXo JCR.

JCR [dʒei si: 'ɑ:(r)]

abbr.Junior Common (或Combination)Room <英>(大学)学生公用室