Heraclitus是什么意思 Heraclitus在线中文翻译

Heraclitus 英 [ˌherəˈklaitəs] 美 [ˌhɛrəˈklaɪtəs]

Heraclitus 网络解释

  1. 赫拉克利特
    ...其注释旁征博引,出现了大量西方文化名人的语录,他们包括柏拉图(Plato)、帕斯卡(Pascal)、司汤达(Stendhal)、尼采(Nietzsche)、马可.奥勒利乌斯(Marcus Aurelius)、康德(Kant)、叶芝(Yeats)、赫拉克 利特(Heraclitus)等等....

Heraclitus 双语例句

  1. The ancients, he said, held that Tethys the God of the ocean had made the world from water; Anaximenes and Diogenes made air prior to water, while Hippasus of Metapontium and Heraclitus of Ephesus said that fire was the ultimate substance of the world, and Empedocles added a fourth, earth, and said that these four elements were together the substance of reality; Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, said that the principles are infinite in number, and are not in any sense generated or destroyed, but remain eternally.
  2. Heraclitus thought, the world is an everliving fire.
  3. They told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead
  4. Thus in fire Heraclitus found a unifying substance in nature that serves as a basis for life.
  5. We should probably emphasize the linguistic connections of logos when interpreting Heraclitus's thought.
  6. Heraclitus pointed out that the world is characterized by opposites.
  7. Some think he was the first to study the heavenly bodies and to foretell eclipses of the sun and solstices, as Eudemus says in his history of astronomy; for which reason both Xenophanes and Herodotus express admiration; and both Heraclitus and Democritus bear witness for him.
  8. Alexander and Gaius and Pompeius, what are they in comparison with Diogenes and Heraclitus and Socrates?
  9. Hippocrates after curing many diseases himself fell sick and died. The Chaldaei foretold the deaths of many, and then fate caught them too. Alexander, and Pompeius, and Caius Caesar, after so often completely destroying whole cities, and in battle cutting to pieces many ten thousands of cavalry and infantry, themselves too at last departed from life. Heraclitus, after so many speculations on the conflagration of the universe, was filled with water internally and died smeared all over with mud. And lice destroyed Democritus; and other lice killed Socrates.
  10. Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we'll examine with Heraclitus, so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks.
  11. The essay also points out that Heraclitus'This and That Paradox challenges the Non-contradiction Law successfully;
  12. Heraclitus saith well in one of his enigmas, Dry light is ever the best.
  13. This article Evolution of Western games that can be divided into four phases: the ancient Greek games, said, thought the theme of the world, and representatives as Heraclitus, Plato.
  14. They told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead.
  15. In the history of philosophy, this stage of the logical idea finds its analogue in the system of Heraclitus.
  16. All reality is process as Whitehead was moved to observe by his study of20th century physics and as Heraclitus remarked long ago Nietzsche's beings are be comings as Richardson says and so are ours.
  17. I'll point out these connections at various points, these connections to Heraclitus at various points as we go.
  18. We can say with Heraclitus in whose proximity, ; he feels warmer and better than anywhere else; that everything flows.
  19. Heraclitus reveals the cognitive capacity of Logos in thinking.
  20. Heraclitus was a important philosopher of ancient Greece times philosophy of politics was important ingredient of his philosopher.

Heraclitus [,herә'klaitәs]

n a presocratic Greek philosopher who said that fire is the origin of all things and that permanence is an illusion as all things are in perpetual flux (circa 500 BC)