Harper是什么意思 Harper在线中文翻译


Harper 网络解释

  1. 哈珀
  2. 地狱先锋
    ...听听哈泼在<<大冲击>>(The Drowning Pool)里说的两句话:<<大冲击>>里他把死里逃生时偶然到手的钱给了问过话的妓女,告诉她是她男友死前留给她的(天知道那个吃软饭的倒霉鬼记不记得她),<<地狱先锋>>(Harper)里他面对老友的枪无所谓地抱着钱走出车门,...
  3. 哈勃
    ...他,曾和欧文(Owen)、巴特(Butt)、哈勃(Harper)、史蒂文-泰勒(Steven Taylor)一起并肩战斗,他的声名远播使得球队里面的每一个人都很清楚他是谁,以及他曾经在圣詹姆斯公园(译者注:Gallowgate具体是啥我也不清楚,喜鹊蜜应该知道,...
  4. 哈帕
    ...我给他投了个故事,他马上同意收录;如果这本书能出版的话,我将第一次拿到稿费. 不幸哈帕(Harper)出版社的约翰.卡恩看不上这个选集,以致这本书一直没机会出版....

Harper 双语例句

  1. HARPER E%JAME S Reductase nitrate in vivo during oxide nitrogen of evolution leaves of soybean assay PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 1981, null
  2. Mr. Harper is not leading an army of Huns onto Parliament Hill.
  3. Harper Steger was a tall, thin, graceful, rather elegant man, of gentle voice and perfect manners
  4. Harper Steger was a tall, thin, graceful, rather elegant man, of gentle voice and perfect man ners
  5. That was only this week's polar news. It came hard on the heels of a storming visit to Resolute Bay on Canada's northern extreme by Stephen Harper, the prime minister.
  6. He assisted fugitive slaves on the Underground Railroad, and later took an unpopular stand by announcing his support for the martyred John Brown, who in 1859 had sought to incite a slave rebellion in Harper's Ferry, Virginia.
  7. Mr. Harper: Well, I certainly hope you do better next year.
  8. You send Jake Gyllenhaal an autographed copy of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.
    你给Jake寄去一本由Harper Lee亲笔签名的《杀死一只知更鸟》。
  9. SQNLDR Harper is deployed here with the 90th EFS from Elmendorf AirForce Base, Alaska as part of a regularly scheduled Air ExpeditionaryForce Rotation.
  10. If it's not Ron Harper coming back to Hollywood and professing how proud he is now of a franchise he once likened to jail, which happened the next night, it's finding out that Sam Cassell is even cockier than you imagined.
    第二天活塞作客L.A。,Ron Harper竟然说为曾经效力Clippers感到自豪,要知道他曾经将Clippers比作监狱。(注,Harper 93-94 曾为快船短暂效力,离开快船转会公牛时说来了快船就如同入了监狱)。除此之外,那就是Sam Cassell如今已经嚣张到你无法想象的地步。
  11. Mr. Truman Capote and Miss Nelle Harper Lee?
  12. The Flexo Trade School in Fort Mill, South Carolina., boasts a state-of-the-art Harper Lab of Flexography.
  13. In fact, at around Christmas time in 1994, a tragic incident occurred. Twenty-year-old student Sean Harper was found dead at the bottom of the tube station`s lift shaft.
  14. Charlie Harper Charlie Sheen) is a well-to-do bachelor with a house at the beach, a Mercedes in the garage and an easy way with women.
  15. Author: John Baldoni, J. Edward Russo, Paul Schoemaker, Paul Nutt, Pamela Harper
  16. A committee set up by Stephen Harper's government recommended that Canada should pull its 2, 500 troops out of their combat role in Kandahar in Afghanistan unless NATO sends 1, 000 reinforcements to the area and the force is backed by more airpower.
    藉着史蒂芬 Harper's 的政府建立的一个委员会推荐加拿大应该在阿富汗的甘达哈把它的 2,500个军队从他们的战斗角色拉出来除非北大西洋公约组织送 1,000个垫厚给面积而且力藉着较多的 airpower 回来。
  17. HARPER: Thank you very much Premier Wen. First of all it`s a delight to be here for the first time and a real honour and pleasure to visit your country.
  18. The boat passed close to where I was hiding, and I could see many people I knew—Pap, Judge Thatcher, Joe Harper, Tom Sawyer, Tom's Aunt Polly, and his brother Sid, and many more.
  19. Harper should stick to policy, not the Liberal Leader's personal probity.
  20. Mr. Harper ran his election on a moderate Conservative platform of modest tax cuts and considerable new spending.

Harper 单语例句

  1. An immediate election call offers Harper a number of political advantages, observers have noted.
  2. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper won reelection with a significantly stronger minority government and called Wednesday for unity in staring down global financial crisis.
  3. Chinese singer Faye Wong graces the cover of the November issue of Harper's BAZAAR.
  4. The decision was announced in Beijing earlier Thursday in a joint communique from both governments as Harper made his first visit to China.
  5. The update is a confidence vote on Stephen Harper's minority Conservative government and could be voted on as early as Monday evening.
  6. " I have just called Stephen Harper and I've offered him my congratulations, " Martin told a subdued crowd at his headquarters in Montreal.
  7. Harper won minorities in 2006 and 2008 elections, which obliged him to cooperate with opposition parties to pass budgets and other major legislation.
  8. While little Harper is yet to start crawling, she is certainly keeping her mother busy as she doesn't sleep well at night.
  9. At the crossroads of Melrose and Harper avenues in Los Angeles, it's hard not to notice the distinctive bright red logo shining brightly.
  10. The delay would give Harper needed time to present a budget next month that includes a stimulus package.

Harper ['hɑ:pә]

n. 竖琴演奏人
n someone who plays the harp