Hamitic是什么意思 Hamitic在线中文翻译

Hamitic 英 [hæˈmitik] 美 [hæˈmɪtɪk]

Hamitic 词典解释


Hamitic 网络解释

  1. 哈姆族语
    ...美索不达米亚语、埃及语/哈姆族语(Hamitic)和印欧语. 如此的差异可能是它自己在经历时间、距离和世代之后进行的分裂. 然而苏美尔文献声称,它的发生仍然是诸神的决议,并且,又是因为恩利尔....
  2. 哈姆的
    ...Hamiltonian 哈密尔敦函数 | Hamitic 哈姆的 | Hamito-Semitic 亚洲的...
  3. 哈姆族的
    ...Hamitic 哈姆的 | Hamitic 哈姆族的 | Hamitic 哈姆族语...
  4. 哈姆語(非洲東部及北部)
    ...Hani language 哈尼語(屬漢藏語族藏緬語系) | Hamitic 哈姆語(非洲東部及北部) | moribund language 垂死語言;正在消失的語言...

Hamitic 双语例句

  1. Ethnic composition: Eastern Hamitic - 90%; other (Copt, Greek, Italian and Syro-Lebanese)- 10%.
  2. It is the purpose of the book, on its religious as well as its historic side, to portray the relation of God to humanity and the behavior of the latter toward Him; His gracious guidance of the history of the Patriarchs, and the promises given to them; their faith in Him in spite of all dangers, tribulations, and temptations; and, finally, the religious and moral contrasts with Hamitic behavior.
  3. From Aksum as a base they gradually extended their dominion over all Abyssinia, the northern population of which today shows a purer Semitic type, while the southern is strongly mixed with Hamitic elements.
  4. The Myth of Hamitic Hypothesis and African Races and Civilizations
  5. In the first half of twentieth century, the Hamitic Hypothesis seemed to override the whole academic area of African studies in the Western World.
  6. Language: the official language is Arabic. Nubian, Nilo-Hamitic, Sudanic language and English are also spoken.

Hamitic [hæ'mitik]

a. 含米特的, 含米特族的, 含米特语
n. a group of languages in northern Africa related to Semitic