Greek cross是什么意思 Greek cross在线中文翻译

Greek cross 英 [gri:k krɔs] 美 [ɡrik krɔs]

Greek cross 网络解释

  1. 十字架
    ...希腊十字架(Greek Cross)是正十字架,四枝长度相等,互成90度. 拉丁十字架(Latin Cross)则是最常见的纵长型十字架,代表西方教会传统. 宝格丽以一贯的圆润、厚实线条重新演绎十字架风华,以具份量感的18k白金镶嵌密镶钻石,款款项坠散发耀眼光芒....
  2. 希腊十字
    ...现成为国际红十字会及其分会之旗帜. 红十字亦称希腊十字(Greek cross)或日内瓦十字(Geneva cross). 所有非基督教(包括佛教)国家凡参加国际红十字会者对于此旗帜并无异议....
  3. 四臂长度相等的十字架
    ...Greek adj.希腊的; 希腊人的; 希腊语的[宗]东正教的; 希腊正教的 | Greek cross 四臂长度相等的十字架 | be Greek to sb. 对某人一窍不通...
  4. 希腊式十字架
    ...Greek 希腊的; 希腊语的; 希腊人的 (形) | Greek cross 希腊式十字架 | Green Bay Packers 绿湾包装, 领头美国职业足球队...

Greek cross 双语例句

  1. St. Sofia's Cathedral in a special plane to cross the Greek-style, in terms of space, then create a giant dome, but not in the indoor pole used to support.
  2. The church is in the shape of a Greek cross, its width coinciding with that of the three Byzantine naves.
  3. It got this name in Greek, supposedly as it was found growing besides the True Cross, which was discovered by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine and his mother Queen Eleni.
  4. Hasbro Counted Cross Stitch Greek Angels...
  5. The Greek cross derives its name from its frequent use in the Greek and other Eastern Orthodox churches; the Latin cross was favored by the Western, or Roman Catholic, church.
  6. Among its Christian monuments are fine churches, some built on the Greek cross plan and others on the three nave basilica plan.
  7. That of the twelfth station is in the Greek chapel, and marks the position of Our Saviour's Cross.
  8. The Greek died on a throne; the Jew died on a cross.
  9. More than 50 variants were to develop, but the most important are the Greek cross, with its equilateral arms, and the Latin cross, with a vertical arm traversed near the top by a shorter horizontal arm.

Greek cross

na. 四臂一样长的十字架
[网络] 希腊十字架;希腊十字形;希腊式十字架
Greek cross


penetrate: 穿透、渗透
cross: 越过,穿越