Grasmere是什么意思 Grasmere在线中文翻译

Grasmere 英 [ˈɡrɑ:smiə] 美 [ˈɡræsˌmɪr]

Grasmere 网络解释

  1. 格拉斯密爾
    ...格拉斯科普 Graskop | 格拉斯密尔 Grasmere | 格拉斯维利 Grass Valley...

Grasmere 双语例句

  1. How I longed to tell the great poet lying in Grasmere Churchyard that in ancient China there was also a great poet domiciled in a region of rivers and lakes!
  2. Can not miss Grasmere, Lake poet William Wordsworth's house Dove Cottage there.
    不能错过Grasmere,湖畔诗人华兹华斯的故居Dove Cottage在那里。
  3. It opens with a literal journey whose goal is to return to the Vale of Grasmere.
  4. As a dweller of Grasmere who was going to leave
  5. The actual meeting place is still the same from Grasmere, though.
  6. But it was spring in the North now, and Dorothy was living alone with her brother in a small cottage at Grasmere in the midst of the hills.

Grasmere ['^rɑ:smiә(r)]

格拉斯米尔( 英格兰坎布里亚郡格拉斯米尔湖畔一村庄)