Gracie是什么意思 Gracie在线中文翻译


Gracie 网络解释

  1. 格雷西
    ...而在<<格雷西>>(Gracie)中,简.霍洛克斯(Jane Horrocks)将出演上世纪30年代全世界最受瞩目的电影演员格雷西.菲尔德斯(Gracie Fields). 其丈夫、好莱坞导演蒙特-班克斯(Monty Banks)将由汤姆.霍兰德尔(Tom Hollander)扮演....
  2. 足球女将
    ...今晚看了<<足球女将>>(Gracie)是女孩加入男队踢球的事,有的时候自己的力量是有限的,潜力的发掘需要伯乐的指引. 当我们去征求意见时,其实心里已经有了答案,只是想要得到他人肯定的回答. 如果答案是否定的,犹豫很可能导致最后的放弃,...
  3. 格蕾丝
    ...为迎接牛年的到来,海底世界为海牛格蕾丝(Gracie)庆祝的生日为了迎接牛年的到来,海底世界决定为海牛格蕾丝(Gracie)庆祝的生日. 这也是海底世界首次让公众有机会和格蕾丝有近距离的接触....
  4. 格雷西(Grace的昵称)
    ...Grace 格雷斯 | Gracie 格雷西(Grace的昵称) | Graham 格雷厄姆; 格雷汉姆; 格兰汉...

Gracie 双语例句

  1. His friend Gracie Gander said to him.
  2. Pat Miletich, Matt Hughes and Renzo Gracie Featured On 60 Minutes - Three mixed martial arts legends, Pat Miletich, Matt Hughes and Renzo Gracie, were featured on a 60 Minutes special about the rapid rise of the mixed martial arts.
  3. Personally, I don`t think Gracie stands much of a chance.
  4. Hey, Gracie, I'm not gonna wait forever.
  5. Hi everyone, my name is Gracie; I am working at Rainbow Reading Language Training Center as an adult English teacher.
  6. Gracie was a deaf and partially blind albino Great Dane with a delicate constitution and a penchant for small miracles.
  7. It was founded in June 2006 by Adjarn Vince and Gracie Jiu-jitsu black belt, Professor Chet Quint.
    学院由Adjarn Vince和Gracie柔道黑带手Chet Quint教授于2006年6月成立。
  8. It's just a matter of time, Gracie.
  9. What about Gracie, love of your life...
  10. It's our secret, hey, Gracie?
  11. I'll try and tell you a story, eh, Gracie?
  12. The Gracies were gaining notoriety in the American martial arts community however, Rorion still dreamed of bringing Vale Tudo fights to mainstream America in order to help promote Gracie Jiu Jitsu.
  13. And played the role of Gracie Carr on FOX's sitcom Back to You.
  14. There's the moment of meeting, when Gracie gets to her feet like a clumsy foal and nuzzles Dan's nose.
  15. Gracie, as the horse is called, was left with a dislocated jaw and a few cuts and scrapes from her ordeal.
  16. Andrew Gracie, who worked on regulatory design at the Bank of England and founded Crisis Management Analytics, which advises central banks on financial stability, points out that right from the start regulators looked at systemic risk one bank at a time.
  17. Andrew Gracie, who worked on regulatory design at the Bank of England and founded Crisis Management Analytics, which advises cenSPANal banks on financial stability, points out that right from the start regulators looked at systemic risk one bank at a time.
  18. Like many amputees, Gracie acquired a stockpile of prosthetics over the years, which made her wonder whether they could be put to better use.
  19. However, nurses at the maternity unit were left embarrassed after they thought the young grandfather was in fact the teenage father of Gracie.
  20. He'll come after you and after gracie.

Gracie 单语例句

  1. Huntsman's Chinese daughter Gracie Mei was abandoned in a vegetable market and taken to an orphanage as a newborn.
  2. The gentleman beamed when he talked about his adopted daughter from China - Gracie Mei.
  3. A video entitled Gracie In Action convinced him that he had a hole in his repertoire.
  4. Living in South Orange New Jersey, 15 year old Gracie Bowen is the only girl in a family of three brothers.

Gracie [ˈɡreisi]

n. 格雷西(Grace的异体)(f.)
n United States comedienne remembered as the confused but imperturbable partner of her husband, George Burns (1906-1964)