Gastropoda是什么意思 Gastropoda在线中文翻译


Gastropoda 词典解释


Gastropoda 网络解释

  1. 腹足纲
    ...ear shell 腹足纲(Gastropoda)前鳃亚纲(Prosobranchia)鲍科(Haliotidae)鲍属(Haliotis)海产贝类. 壳扁平,螺层数少. 壳口宽斜,耳状,体螺层上具一列排成螺.........
  2. (软体动物)腹足纲
    ...蜗牛参是海参中的一种,属软体动物腹足纲(Gastropoda)中腹足目. 比较特别的翼舌族动物....
  3. 第一节 腹足类
    ...第二章 软体动物门Mollusca 288 | 第一节 腹足类Gastropoda 288 | 第二节 双壳类Bivalvia 301...
  4. [八]、腹足纲
    ...[七]、珊瑚纲 ANTHOZOA 115 | [八]、腹足纲 GASTROPODA 115 | [九]、瓣鳃纲 IAMELLIBRANCHIA 116...

Gastropoda 双语例句

  1. Collembola and Acarina were the dominant group, accounting for 45.82% and 25.72% of total capture, respectively. The common group was Coleoptera, Isopoda, Oligachaeta, Diptera, Gastropoda, Orthoptera and Coleoptera larvae, accounting for 5.63%, 5.01%, 4.32%, 3.10%, 2.36%, 2.32% and 1.59%, respectively. The rest was rare group.
  2. Cerithidea cingulata, Turbo articulatus Reeve, Bullacta exarata and Thais clavigera Kuster are the dominant socials of Gastropoda in the aestival inter-tidal zone of Zhoushan Archipelago.
    浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院;浙江大学出版社;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院浙江舟山 316004;浙江舟山 316004;浙江杭州 310027;浙江舟山 316004
  3. Any of numerous aquatic or terrestrial mollusks of the class Gastropoda, typically having a spirally coiled shell, broad retractile foot, and distinct head.
  4. A total of 20 groups of meiofauna in the Southern Yellow Sea: Nematoda, Copepoda, Polychaeta, Kinorhyncha, Bivalvia, Ostracoda, Amphipoda, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Cumacea, Gastropoda, Gastrotricha, Halacaroidea, nectochaeta, Amphiura, Nemertina, Insecta, Priapulida, Turbellaria and others were identified.
  5. Macro-invertebrate from Annelida, Mollusca and Arthropoda were found in six sections from Baihe to Zhejiang road in the Suzhou River, among which four species were from Oligochaeta, two species from Hirudinea, five species from Gastropoda, two species from Bivalvia and several species from Insecta.
  6. Gastropoda is one of the largest group of molluscs and even the whole animal kingdom.
  7. Of or belonging to the class Gastropoda.
  8. In the survival period, Gastropoda has stronger ability of self-recovering and adapting to environment than foraminiferida.
  9. Gastropoda`s systematics has seen a recent boost from the end of last century, with the rapid developments of morphology and molecular biology technologies as well as the application of new systematic classification methods.
  10. Generally refers to all the major types of Bradybaenidae animals, broad Gastropoda also includes a number of other divisions, including slugs and other animals 〔〕.
  11. The characteristics of the reproductive cycle in this specieswas the same as that of other typical Gastropoda animals.
  12. Gastropoda snails are terrestrial mollusks, many different types, all over the world.
  13. The large-scale soil animal sorts were gathered by hand, while the medium and the small soil animals were separated by the funnel law and the funnel law, totally 314 soil animals were caught, which subordinated separately in the mollusk gate, the annulate gate and 3 phyla 4 class 12 order results showed that the ball tail phyla and the hymenoptera prospect, tubing up 57.54% of the total phyla, are the dominant class groups and main part of soil animals in this area; The hymenoptera ant class, the coleoptera larva, the arachnids, man kind of, the gastropoda is the common class group the hymenoptera are the common class groups. these result indicate that the community multiple of soil animal`s degreases progressively basically among different soil strata sing soil depth and has an obvious aggregation.
  14. It belongs to the mollusk class gastropoda. It is also a univalve, which means that the shell consists of a single valve or piece.
  15. Conus is one group of the tropical carnivorous marine molluscs belonging to the mollusk gate gastropoda prosobranchia stenoglossa branch conidae family. The venom from cone snails contains a diverse mixture of pharmacological agents, mostly small, disulfide-rich structurally constrained peptides.
  16. The Microstructure and Properties of Gastropoda and Cephalopoda Shells
  17. Of or belonging to the class Gastropoda. Among 52 species of mollusca identified, 45 were gastropods, 7 were bivalves.
  18. Three new records of Nassarius from South China Sea (gastropoda, nassariidae)
  19. Compared with other researched mangrove wetlands in China, gastropoda and bivalvia are only found in Quanzhou Bay. (2) Abundance and biomass of meiofauna.
  20. The research status of Gastropoda phylogeny and systematics


[医] 腹足纲
n snails and slugs and their relatives