GPH是什么意思 GPH在线中文翻译


GPH 网络解释

  1. 加仑小时
    ...12台隔膜真空泵中的大部分都用来对流入的水进行消毒,它们以55加仑/小时(gph)的速度添加化学制剂. 其他的隔膜真空泵则向清洁井和增压站中定量添加次氯酸钠,向清洁井中加料的速率为32gph,而在增压站处的消毒加料速率设置为9gph....
  2. 石墨
    ...石榴石 Gr | 石墨 Gph | 石膏 Gy...
  3. 络合醇泥页岩抑制剂
    ...6 钻井液用抗高温降滤失剂JA-1 | 7 络合醇泥页岩抑制剂GPH-Ⅱ | 8 高效防塌剂OCL-IVB...
  4. abbr. gallons per hour; 每小时加仑数

GPH 双语例句

  1. Look at the little but very important things like the 1000 GPH bilge pump, the six gauge wiring instead of ten or eight that is because heavier wires gives more power from the battery up to the trolling motor.
  2. For example, if you have a 1000 gallon water feature, you will require at least a 500 GPH pump.
  3. Therefore you will need to size your pump to ensure that it has half the GPH rating as the volume of your pond in gallons.
  4. The pumps I m using are Rule Bilge Pumps with a capacity of 360 GPH each.
    水泵我使用的是法治的舱底泵容量360 Google个性化主页。
  5. For example, if your stream or waterfall spillway will be 10 inches wide, you will need a pump that produces an excess flow of 1000 GPH at your waterfall's height.
  6. The 144 gallon kits comes with a 500 gph pump, while the 72 and 105 gallon kits both come with a 306 gph pump.
    144加仑袋附有一个500 gph泵,而72和105加仑袋都配备了306 gph泵。
  7. To calculate the required pump GPH, a general rule of thumb is that each inch of width of the channel will require an extra 100 GPH.
  8. Lots of researches applied rescaled rangeanalysis, revised rescaled range and GPH methods to testing the long-term memory in stock market.
  9. This paper explores the grouped proportional hazards regression model (GPH model) and its use in analysis of large data sets presented in life tables.
  10. This paper performs a empirical test on ten stocks which are extracted random from the Shanghai-Security 180-Index through comprehensively using the GPH method, Granger causality test, and the extended GARCH model.

GPH [d'ʒi:p'i:'etʃ]

abbr. gallons per hour 加仑/小时; grammes per hour 克/小时; graphite 石墨