GH是什么意思 GH在线中文翻译


GH 词典解释

形容词(=growth hormone)促生长素,生长激素

GH 网络解释

  1. 生长激素
    ...还有近年来发展起来的可释放生长激 素(GH)的一类生长激素释放肽(GH RPs)和促进GH分泌的非肽生长 激素促泌素也可制成脂质体,通过鼻腔内给药,使其在促进GH缺乏影 响儿童的生长、恢复老年人的CH分泌、延缓衰老等生命科学领域都具 有特殊的应用意义....
  2. 生长素
    ...注射用重组人生长激素 独家拥有蛋白稳定剂专利的分泌型生长激素 生长素(GH)是由脑下垂体前叶(腺垂体)分泌的一种肽类激素,人类垂体重约0.5g,含GH量极微....
  3. 供销
    ...标准体系(Standard System)是一定范围内的标准按其内在联系形成的科学的有机整体.我国果蔬加工国家标准由国家质检总局发布,行业标准分散在六个行业制定发布,赋予了六个行业标准号,即林业(LY)、农业(NY)、商检(SN)、商业(SB)、供销(GH)、轻工(QB).标...
  4. 加纳 格恩西岛 | .gh 加纳 | .gi 直布罗陀...
  5. abbr. growth-hormone; 生长激素
  6. abbr. gential herpes; 生殖器疱疹
  7. abbr. growth hormone; 生长素

GH 双语例句

  1. I thought y o u mi gh t be a'ble t o help me.
  2. It isconsisted of four parts: programmable input channel, host microcomputer, hi-gh resolution graphic display CRT terminal and hard copy peripherals (lineprinter and X-Y plotter).
  3. GH163 is used in aircraft engines and cylinde of gas turbine combustion, installation of the side, and other load-bearing parts.
  4. The effect of ghrelin on the GH mRNA level in fish is different from that in rat.
    Ghrelin对斜带石斑鱼GH mRNA的合成具有促进作用,这一结果与哺乳类的研究结果不同。
  5. The increasing levels of serum GH and PRL is likely to be associated with the pathogenesis of SLE.
  6. First lactation Chinese Holstein Dairy Cattle were used to investigate the effect of diet energy level on reproductive hormones. The energy balance was highly correlated with PRL [r=-0.9618, (P.01)], it was correlated with GH (r=-0.7435) also.
  7. Our nei gh bo u r, Cap tain Charl e s Al is o n, will s a il from Ports mouth to m o r row.
  8. Morishita R, Gibbons GH, Ellison KE, et al.
  9. A n o th er pa tient m i gh t e qual ly well com pl a in th at her nei gh bo u r s wer e com bi ning t o sl a n der her and per se c u te her
  10. In th e pro c ess, he en j o y e d him s e lf th o r ou gh ly and kept tell ing ev e ry bod y how much he ha ted hos pi tal s.
  11. Siniperca chuatsi, Siniperca kneri and Siniperca scherzeri were studied while long PCRand T-A cloning technique were used to clone GH gene containing completereading frame of three fishes of siniperca. Then sequence structure of GH gene, amino acidsequence encoding by DNA, difference between sequences and phyletic evolution were studying. Polymorphism detections of GH gene and studies of hereditary constitution of population wereundertaken in wild populations coming from Eastern Dongting Lake using PCR-SSCP, PCR-RFLP, SSR, polymorphism detection of intron and sequencing.
  12. We ofier a discount of 10 percent on orders of 40 or more calculators. I have enclosed an order bIank if you wish to take advantage of this ofier.
  13. The low dose of LaCl〓 ICV can activate the GH-related neurons in VMH and elevate the GH in serum at the same time, which is uniform with other results from ionophoresis and microinjection into the VMH.
  14. One of key problems is lasers cooling in researching hi gh power semiconductor diode lasers.
  15. Pulse compression; hi gh power microwave; microwave discharge
  16. There is HSV subclinical shedding in cervix uteri of female patients with GH during recurrence episode and intermittent period.
  17. Altho u gh we've come 2 the end of the road.
  18. Altho u gh loneliness has always been a friend of mine.
  19. Altho u gh loneliness h as always been a friend of mine.
  20. The human started to become suspicious, and thought, This has to be a gh ost, or
    人 开始怀疑他,这个一定是鬼,我明明告诉他鱼名,他却用同的法


abbr. 生长激素(growth hormone);网格航向(grid heading);加纳(Ghana)