Fouquet是什么意思 Fouquet在线中文翻译

Fouquet 英 [ʒəˈɔθ] 美 [fuˈke]

Fouquet 网络解释

  1. 富凯
    ...ay),却像他之前的马西尼(Marigny,约1260年-1315年,法国政治家,国王腓力四世的额顾问)一样死于蒙福孔(Montfaucon),富凯(Fouquet)时代还未来临. 勃艮第公爵们却与此相反,他们尽力要达到最终目标. 这其中的原因很清楚:他们的领土非常分散,...

Fouquet 双语例句

  1. The block of houses is not situated in Haussmannian Paris with chic boulevards as is the Fouquet`s Barrière that I designed at the same time.
  2. And see 500, 000 Krauts come barreling out of Fouquet's?
  3. Fouquet invited the young king Louis XIV to visit in 1661; offended by the splendor of his subject』s abode, the king ordered an investigation of Fouquet and had him arrested.

Fouquet 单语例句

  1. While all the other artists support the decision, poet de La Fontaine confirms his support for Fouquet.
  2. David Fouquet is a senior associate of the European Institute of Asian Studies in Brussels.
  3. Fouquet said that the possibility exists that those countries may amend their decisions at a future point.
  4. Fouquet said Xi's visit would be seen as more personal than political or strategic.

Fouquet [ʒә'ɔθ]

即Fouquet, Jean