FTP是什么意思 FTP在线中文翻译

FTP 英 [ˌef ti: ˈpi:] 美 [ˌefti:'pi:]

FTP 词典解释

形容词File Transfer Protocol 文件传送[输]协议

FTP 网络解释

  1. 文件传输
    ...开发板采用英国CSR 公司BlueCore05MM 蓝牙芯片, 可以用来开发单声道蓝牙耳机,立体声蓝牙耳机,蓝牙车载免提,蓝牙音 频适配器,蓝牙虚拟串口(SPP), 蓝牙人机交互接口(HID),蓝牙文件传 输(FTP)等...
  2. 文件传送服务
    ...目前已普遍开通的有电子邮箱(E-MAIL)、远程登录(Telnet)、文件传送服务(FTP)、环球网(WWW)、电子公告牌(BBS)等. 美国是世界上个人电脑(PC)发展最快普及程度最高的国家.. PC发展在美国呈现日新月异的令人眼花缭乱的局面,...
  3. 文件传输程序
    ...明了描述客户端在本地系统要做的操作:从远程系统取(taking)一个文件或者送4.13 chroot函数用于辅助Internet文件传输程序(FTP)中的安全性. 系统中没有帐用于多种不同应用的通用的pty_fork函数. 这个函数是小程序(pty)的基础. 并...
  4. abbr. network file transfer protocol; 文件传输协议
  5. abbr. file transfer protocol; 文件传送协议
  6. abbr. file transfre protocol; 档案传输
  7. abbr. federal test procedure; 美国联邦试验法

FTP 双语例句

  1. Automatically try to connect to your FTP server if initial attempts to connect failed.
  2. While we are on the subject, a quick note about the format of the PORT command.
  3. We could, for example, extend the preceding script to do things like transfer files by FTP, pop up a GUI message selector and status bar, fetch messages from an SQL database, and employ COM objects on Windows, all using standard Python tools.
  4. You can also use FTPS to protect the control channel and leave the data channel unencrypted (which means full ftp speeds but the username/pass is protected).
    您也可以使用ftps ,以保护和控制通道离开未加密的数据通道(即充分的FTP速度,但用户名/通过保护)。
  5. Today on Digg, though, a commenter left instructions on how to use Spotify without an invitation.
    另外,你也可以下载 net2ftp,将其部署到自己的空间上(net2ftp 是用 PHP 编写的)。
  6. Some main features are: Backup unlimited sites and directories trees, Select the directories tree you want to backup only, Easy built in FTP browser to select directories, Full backup or Incremental backup (Sync. only changed files), Autostartup with Windows, Auto dialing and hang up for dial-up or use LAN, Create the same directory structure on local computer, Keep server time stamp on files downloaded, Create zip files or self-extracting executables, Run custom commands files before and after backup, Connect to optional internetaddresses before and after backup, Handles Firewalls and Proxy easily, Auto ASCII mode for files download, etc.
    一些主要的功能包括:不限数量的网站和目录树备份,完全备份和增量备份(同步备份仅仅发生改变的文件),与 Windows 操作系统一同启动,对于需要拨号或者使用局域网的自动拨号和挂断,在本地计算机上创建相同的目录结构,在下载的文件上保持服务器时间戳,创建 zip 压缩文件或者自解压可执行文件,在备份之前或者之后运行定制的命令文件,在备份之前或者之后连接到互联网地址选项,简单化处理防火墙和代理,用于文件下载的自动 ASCII 模式等等。
  7. The only problem is, I have to reboot the FTP service after every system reboot.
  8. Download/upload items from/to any device with OBEX FTP support almost on all phone models
    下载/上传项目从/到任何支持OBEX FTP的设备(支持几乎所有型号的手机
  9. Of course, I put it on the anonymous ftp server on the MIT computer that I used.
  10. Net of Lian of date from Hu searchs development of the De that bring Qing, zao Zai 1990, net of world Hu Lian have not Chu of Zhi of Wan be apt to, alan Emtage of university Xue Sheng invents Mengtelier Archie, archie Ying should be to search Ba of ancestor of the De that bring Qing now, use net of Lian of Hu of script Shou Ji to come loose Jian of article of De of Shang of FTP of Bu Zai each Ge, you of the Dui after Ran closes Xin breath to undertake Suo is brought, after whole Li, de of Ding of Yi of Yi of the person that carry Gong to use expresses Da Shi to check Xun.
    追溯互联网搜索引擎的发展,早在1990年,世界互联网尚未完善之初,蒙特利尔大学学生Alan Emtage发明Archie,Archie应该是现在搜索引擎的祖先吧,利用脚本收集互联网散步在各个FTP上的文件,然后对有关信息进行索引,整理后,提供使用者以一定的表达式查询。
  11. Software Description: About WinaXe, This program transforms your PC into an X-Windows workstation using the X-Window system, TCP/IP, FTP, TFTP and Telnet software included.
    WinaXe 这个程序把你的个人计算机转化成使用 X 窗口的系统,TCP/IP,ftp,TFTP 和 Telnet 软件的 XWindows 的工作站包括。
  12. The object of this task is to design a FTP server program and a FTP client program.
  13. It from the xns subdirectory of the anonymous FTP area on Arisia.
  14. And this account management application system is based on WEB.
    实现一个基于WEB的FTP 用户管理应用系统。
  15. If you`re not running an FTP site, why should your port 23 be open, right?
  16. Being a COM Component, ftp protocol that allows access to a remote file system in a standard way.
  17. You understand and agree that shared server space is for business and personal website operations only hosted by Lunarpages and not for unrelated data storage.
  18. In DOS or command line FTP, to transfer several files, you can use the commands mput and mget.
    在DOS或命令行的FTP ,转让的几个文件,您可以使用命令mput和mget。
  19. After successful exploitation, a bot uses Trivial File Transfer Protocol, File Transfer Protocol, HyperText Transfer Protocol, or CSend (an IRC extension to send files to other users, comparable to DCC) to transfer itself to the compromised host. The binary is started, and tries to connect to the hard-coded master IRC server.
    攻击成功后,僵尸工具使用 TFTPFTP ,HTTP 或者 CSend(IRC 用来给其他用户发送文件的一个扩展,可比于 DCC)把自己传输到被攻陷地主机上,然后启动这个文件,尝试连接指定的主 IRC 服务器。
  20. By the methods of FTP and DEA, the marine fishing capacity in China was studied in quantity.

FTP 单语例句

  1. That was years ago, and it led Freeman to start looking for FTP sites he thought should be secure.
  2. Internet users can't scour the sites with a typical search engine, but FTP servers routinely share a similar address as public Web sites.


abbr. 文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)
v. use the file transfer protocol to transfer data from one computer to another