FPR是什么意思 FPR在线中文翻译


FPR 词典解释

形容词floating point register 浮点寄存器;Fort Pierce, Florida 美国;Farm Publications Reports 农场出版物报告;Factory Problem Report 工厂问题报告

FPR 网络解释

  1. 显示密钥指纹
    ...help 显示这份在线说明 | fpr 显示密钥指纹 | list 列出密钥和用户标识...
  2. 显示密匙指纹
    ...help 显示本帮助 | fpr 显示密匙指纹 | list 列出密匙及用户ID...
  3. 胡格诺教派
    ...EIR;爱尔兰 ;;;;;;;;;;1159 | FPR;胡格诺教派 ;;;;;;;;;;1160 | GEN;热那亚 ;;;;;;;;;;1161...
  4. abbr. fan pressure ratio; 扇叶压力比
  5. abbr. fixed period requirements; 定期用量法
  6. abbr. false positive rate; 又称假阳性率
  7. abbr. front patriotique rwandais; 卢安达爱国阵线

FPR 双语例句

  1. Based on FPR and SPR, a feasible assembly sequence is generated.
  2. A method to generate functional precedence relation on the base of transmitting force and restricting position, and to generate structure precedence relation on the base of freedom degree of assembly features is presented.
    提出了基于力传递和位置限定功能生成功能前趋关系(Functional Precedence Relation,FPR)和基于装配特征自由度分析生成结构前趋关系(Structure Precedence Relation,SPR)的方法。
  3. By using indirect immunofluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy, the expression and localization of FPR in the primary glioma cells were detected.
    目的观测甲酰化肽受体(formylpeptide receptor,FPR)在人恶性胶质瘤原代培养瘤细胞的表达和功能活性。
  4. Both of the ROC analysis (Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis) and the survival analysis can be used to analyze data from the diagnostic medicine. In the ROC analysis, data will be summarized according to the true condition status (D=0, D=1) and the test results (T=0, T=1) of the patients. An ROC curve is a plot of TPR(T=1, D=1) versus its FPR(T=1, D=0) of the test. It is not affected by the prevalence of the condition.
    ROC分析(receiver operating characteristic analysis)和存活函数都可以用来分析医学诊断的资料,其中ROC分析为回溯性试验,可以根据事件是否真正发生(D=0,D=1)及测验所得的结果(T=0,T=1)将受试者分成四类;ROC曲线是由伪阳性率(T=1 ,D=0)及真阳性率(T=1,D=1)所构成,不受盛行率的影响。
  5. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through PayPal in 15-20 days fpr free members.
    提出支付请求,可以作出每天处理通过贝宝,在1 5-20天内免费卢爱阵成员。
  6. How the variation of take-off suspension weights affects the structural fatigue life is investigated through surveying actual flight parameter recorder (FPR) data.
  7. Another new motion capture technique used on Avatar is Facial Performance Replacement (FPR), which allowed Cameron to digitally rework an actor's facial movement.
  8. He always stands fpr what is right.
  9. Objective To Learn the status of the patients with mental disorders of Long-term hospitalization and analyze the multi-factors which cause long-term hospitalization fpr the patients.
  10. A practical case of technological and economical collaborative evaluation for FPR trawler vessels demonstrates that the proposed method is of better efficiency and robust.
  11. Automatic Balance and Adjustment Technique fpr Car Engine Parts
  12. Shall we consider our friends'finacial situation first, and after that, we decide whether ask fpr a present?
  13. Analysis of Debonding Load-Carrying Capacity for RC Beams Strengthened with Prestressed FPR Under Bending Load
  14. Life like water, flow by itself and never come back, we cannot let the water go as our play, so we weep fpr that;
  15. This paper propses a new type of forecast method - FPR (Fixed-Point Random) algorithm.
  16. The average values of TPR and FPR are recorded and used to generate ROC curves for each prediction technique.
  17. FPR can significantly affect the spatial distribution of glioma microvascular architecture and the roles of EPCs in T-MAPH.
  18. After Controlling the persistence impact of investment flows, the fund FPR conclusion is still valid.
  19. This paper presents a method fpr analysis and prediction of traffic noise in the mountain city, emphasizing the characteristics of sloping roads.
  20. The effects of shear rate, contact time, CPAM dosage, pH value and bentonite dosage on the first pass retention (FPR) of dynamic conditions were investigated.

FPR 单语例句

  1. He forecast that it will take more than six months for Samsung to shift to the FPR technology from the current industry standard SG technology.


[医][=false positive rate]假阳性率