Esperanto是什么意思 Esperanto在线中文翻译

Esperanto 英 [ˌespəˈræntəʊ] 美 [ˌespəˈræntoʊ]

Esperanto 词典解释


Esperanto 双语例句

  1. Return to Shanghai, my good friend Sophia told me that Baoshanlu Hung Hing Lane'Esperanto Society'house can stay.
  2. This it can and will do because unlike Esperanto it is not cast in bronze and never to change. It will evolve and mature in due course to the delight of those who adopt it.
  3. Its two main features strongly attracted me: it was based upon English and Esperanto; and it had no diacritical marks.
  4. Esperanto is hampered by its diacritical marks, whereas English has none and is therefore easily typed for e-mail.
  5. He had his first writing published in secondary school and since then collections of poems like STARVE THE POETS, ODE TO WILD SEEDS, I EVENTUALLY UNDERSTAND WHY YOU REFUSED, collection of essays NOT LET ONE GO and novel CARNIVAL have been published and some of them have been translated into English, German, Japanese, Swedish and Esperanto.
  6. You can study French, or you can study German, or cut them both out and study Esperanto, you'll get the culture tone just the same.
  7. Pascall and Maurice Duperrey, cherished the hope that Esperanto would eventually become the global language.
  8. I -DO Typ型(23) Bill can't speak Esperanto.
  9. The Polish eye doctor created Esperanto and published the first book on the language, an amalgam of several languages but completely phonetic and lacking any silent letters, words with multiple meanings, irregular verbs or other inconsistencies that make learning other languages difficult.
  10. He speaks Esperanto, and that very well.
  11. I know little Esperanto; I learned it for few weeks.
  12. Esperanto is just one such artificial language which has been proved to solve many language problems.
  13. And like the Esperanto fellowship, currently based in France, they have officers and activities worldwide.
  14. A job fulfills an important purpose in the universe unless your major was English, Esperanto, or government.
  15. I tiu uzanto povas komuniki per baza nivelo de Esperanto.
    dog -1 此用户会学狗叫,但是听不懂狗叫声。。。
  16. You may want to ask me why esperanto has not gained so much popularity after so many years of promotion?
  17. He speaks Esperanto admirably.
  18. Admitting the increasing popularity of English, they substituted English roots (phonetically) for the established Esperanto ones in many cases.
  19. He has a good command of English, German, French, Russian, Arabic and even Esperanto.
  20. An artificial language that is a revision and simplification of Esperanto.

Esperanto 单语例句

  1. The album features 370 photos that chronicle the history and progress of the Chinese Esperanto movement over more than one century.
  2. It is hard to say how many people speak Esperanto, which has devotees worldwide but never achieved the breakthrough Zamenhof dreamed of.
  3. As for a " universal Esperanto jubilance, " maybe we still need time.
  4. Esperanto fans are used to the kooky image many outsiders have of them.
  5. The activity seeks to promote cultures from China and help Esperanto scholars learn about Suzhou.
  6. But the fees and troubles entangled with the popularization of Esperanto also cannot be underestimated.
  7. These are among the goals of Esperanto fans and enthusiasts, and they might be too good to be true.
  8. Statistics show that there are about 10 million Esperanto speakers in more than 100 countries in the world.
  9. The curtain rose Sunday on another gala for Esperanto speakers around the world.
  10. Text included in the album describes the promotion of Esperanto in China as one of the movement's achievements.

Esperanto [.espə'ræntəʊ]

n. 世界语
n. an artificial language based as far as possible on words common to all the European languages