EMG是什么意思 EMG在线中文翻译


EMG 词典解释

形容词Externally Mounted Gun 外装炮

EMG 网络解释

  1. 肌电图
    ...全腿雕塑: 全身麻醉(general anesthesia)为宜, 方便消费者与医师b, 小腿雕塑: 全身麻醉为佳, 更为精细周 ...a, 全腿雕塑: 全身麻醉(general anesthesia)为宜, 方便消费者与医师b, 肌电图(EMG)&超音波(Echo...
  2. 紧急
    ...(1)557 CNC铣床於警示灯亮时,若压下紧急(EMG)按钮,程式会马上停止执行使萤幕(CRT)消失使三轴移动使Z轴立刻上升. (1)558 使用CNC铣床,若发现有保险丝(FUSE)烧毁时,应采取以下何步骤更换原规格保险丝更换较小安培数保险丝重新开机即可继续使用以铜线取代保险丝....
  3. 易图通
  4. 德国
    ...本公司主要代理国际上一些知名度高、技术力量强、产品优秀的公司产品. 是法国伯纳德(BERNARD)公司自动化过程仪表指定的核心合作伙伴;英国罗托克(ROTORK)公司代理;德国欧玛(AUMA)公司代理;德国(EMG...
  5. abbr. electromagnetic rail gun; 电磁炮
  6. abbr. electronic muscle graph; 肌电图
  7. abbr. epic megagames; “史诗”兆位游戏公司(美国,出品MMX软件包)

EMG 双语例句

  1. This study was designed to evaluate the applicability of multielectrode surface EMG in detecting motor unit size.
    本研究的目的是要利用自行研发的表面多点肌电图电极(Multielectrode Surface EMG,MSEMG),分析运动单元动作电位的大小。
  2. Objective To investigate the change of EMG and twitch muscle fiber in spasmodic muscle after sympathectomy.
    目的 探讨交感神经切断后,痉挛肌肉肌电图与肌纤维结构的改变。
  3. Relying on military defense technology company, has specialized electromagnetic shielding of electronic and machinery product design experts, advanced sheet metal, mold processing, and production of smart cards and laser processing equipment, to have access to professional certification of metal welding, integrated wiring, HVAC, Fire control, security, network installation commissioning of the scene of several engineers, to engage in independent high-performance computer room, welding and assembly-type electromagnetic shielding room, conference room confidentiality shield silencers, CA and Certification Center, MRI MRI room, ear-room, Brain EMG room, industrial design and construction of medical anechoic chamber.
  4. Another variation is the bipolar EMG needle electrode, here the positive and negative pole are consisting of 2 parallel located platinum wires, perfectly electrically isolated from each other.
  5. The research ground us in the study of the adjusting and controlling of the electrolarynx using surface EMG.
  6. An idea to develop an electrolarynx controlled by the larynx surface EMG was brought forward.
  7. There were no limp, ulceration and phenomena of self-injury. Normal wave figure in EMG was noted in the experimental side. There was no significant difference in t test in EMG wave amplitude, maximum tetanized systole tensile strength and duration of isometric contraction.
    结果 术后大鼠两侧姿态对称,未见跛行,无溃疡及自残现象,对疼痛刺激敏感;实验侧肱二头肌和指深屈肌肌电图均呈正常波形;两侧肌电图波幅、等长收缩时最大强直收缩张力及持续时间进行自身t检验比较均无显著差异。
  8. The signals were amplified by a self-made amplifier and recorded by data acquisition card connected to a computer. EMG signals of Crucian carp's ipsilateral red muscle during C-start illustrate the activity, duration and intension of fish's muscle.
  9. The study of electrophysiology with EMG is useful for revealing subclinical lesion, and can supply the niveau diagnosis.
  10. Objective In order to improve the clinical value of EMG, which helps to diagnose lumbosacral radiculopathy.
  11. This method is more accurate than the conventional ventilatory volume approach and more comprehensive than EMG of diaphragm. It can be used to measure respiratory regulation function in normal and morbid state, and in the study of apneustic center chemical sensitivity and output variable under chemical and mechanical load.
  12. Combined EMG and 3-D imaging modality monitoring is a reliable and practicable method that can be used to protect neural structures during complex lumbosacral surgery.
  13. The purpose of this study is to investigate the myopathy induced by steriod therapy with clinical symptoms and signs, the dosage and duration of steriod use, determination of serum muscle enzyme and EMG turns-amplitude analysis.
  14. Nowadays we suggest: circular lifting electromagnets for scrap metal, from small and lightweight (series EMG 078) up to superheavyweight (series EMG 230 electromagnets for loading of slabs, rail, section and sheet products, tubes, steel coils; permanent lifting magnets for loading small parties of metal; grabs for scrap metal and clamshells for loose materials; pendant and self-unloading electromagnetic separators, electromagnetic pulleys, sources of a uninterrupted power supply and control system for electromagnets; power supply systems of electromagnets for installation on any mobile excavators; traverses all types; electronic device for weighing.
    如今,我们建议:圆形的举升电磁铁适用于碎金属片,从小型与轻型(EMG 078系列)到超重型(EMG 230系列),永久举升磁铁适用于装载金属小件,抓取装置适用于碎金属片,蛤壳适用于松散物料。采用新技术的电磁铁设计与应用的持续完善,使得其容量平均增加了20-30%,这一数字是通过在我们公司进行的如同用户实际操作的大量测试得以确认的。
  15. Surface EMG signals from rectus femoris, semitendinosus and biceps femoris were recorded during exercise. The result revealed that the agonist and antagonist had coactivation during entire range of open kinetic chain exercise, but this condition was not obvious at the initial and middle phase. During entire range of closed kinetic chain exercise, the difference of activity levels of quadriceps and hamstrings was much smaller, and range of coactivation was larger than that of open kinetic chain exercise. So, we presumed that the closed kinetic chain exercise should provide the better knee stability.
  16. Established in 1991, EMG has grown as a truly international communication consultancy.
  17. NEstablished in 1991, EMG has grown as a truly international communication consultancy.
  18. Unbalanced EMG activities were found among various trunk muscles in moulding process, of which the erector spaine muscle activities were over 20% Maximum Voluntary Contraction and reached about 4~20 times of static postures.
  19. Objective: We used EMG to study the effect of unilateral chewing on masticatory muscle functions pattern.
  20. The triggered EMG induced by facial nerve stimulation is a safe and sensitivemethod during IOM and the stimulating intensitymay predict the outcome of facial nerve injury.

EMG 单语例句

  1. EMG Art Center is presenting the show in Guangzhou until Nov 25.
  2. An exhibition at EMG Art Center in Guangdong's provincial capital Guangzhou showcases Polish movie posters.


abbr. electromyogram 肌电图,肌动电流图
n a graphical record of electric currents associated with muscle contractions