District of Columbia是什么意思 District of Columbia在线中文翻译

District of Columbia

District of Columbia 双语例句

  1. We are now in the District of Columbia.
  2. The Interior Dome of the Capitol Building in Washington, D. C., District of Columbia, United States
  3. The coalition, called Velvet Revolution, asked the bar associations in four states and the District of Columbia to disbar the lawyers, saying their actions violated the rules of professional responsibility by approving interrogation methods, including waterboarding, that constituted illegal torture.
  4. We are in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
  5. Much of what we've done, we can't talk about, 'said Ray Dotter, a spokesman at PJM Interconnection LLC, which coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in 13 states and the District of Columbia.
    PJM Interconnection LLC发言人多特说,我们不能透露已经采取的诸多措施。这家公司协调着美国13个州和华盛顿特区的批发电力。
  6. She has served as a Law Clerk in the Federal District Court for the Western District of Michigan and in the Court of Appeals for the D. C. Circuit, as an attorney in the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia, and as Deputy Circuit Executive and as Special Counsel to the Court of Appeals for the D. C. Circuit.
  7. We use monthly data for the 48 mainland states and the District of Columbia from March 1989 through June 1997 (4, 949 total observations).
  8. Almost one quarter of states, as well as the District of Columbia, had a stroke prevalence rate of 3 percent or above.
  9. Appeal courts are in the middle of the three ranks; they respectively discharge their duties in the 10 itineration zones of the U. S. regional courts and District of Columbia, and handle the appeal cases judged by the regional courts in their itinerant precincts; at the same time, they accept appeals submitted by some administrative structures which themselves are quasi-judicial. thanks for ur appreciation. i know my translation is far from prefect, chinglish i mean not native, 'cause i am a chinese and never go abroad; but one point i can make sure is that it is understandable no matter to chinese or a foreigners.
  10. Earlier in the session, Leigh Higinbotham, past governor of District 5040 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, spoke about the importance for each club to build its own identity.
    会议之初,加拿大英属哥伦比亚温哥华5040地区前总监雷 E 希金伯丹曾提到每一扶轮社应有其各自特色之重要性。
  11. Dr. Castro pegged the number of confirmed or probable cases in the United States at 5469, with 6 deaths (as of May 20, 7 deaths; a 44 year-old man in St. Louis who had visited Mexico died) in 48 states and the District of Columbia.
  12. American capital--Washington Enters eighth American The Washington District of Columbia is US's capital, located at Botuomakehe and the Anaa Custy Asia river afflux place, the population approximately 800, 000, is the American politics cultural center.
  13. In a majority of land-grant colleges, institutes and courses were regulated after World War II, meanwhile the number of students and land-grant colleges was also increased. Between 1960s and 1970s, the Land-grant status for the institutions for Citizens of American Territories was approved in the District of Columbia and Pacific and Caribbean Islands. In 1994, the 29 institutions for Native Americans obtained the Land-grant status in 12 states.
  14. The Anacostia Historic District in southeast Washington is one of the oldest suburbs in the District of Columbia.
  15. That's according to the Supreme Court who struck down the District of Columbia's 32-year-old ban on handguns today.
  16. A year ago, the nation was aflush with Obama fever, the District of Columbia was briefly gilded with glamour and Mr Perry`s insistence that Mrs Hutchison was too tied to the federal capital did not resonate much.
  17. The District of Columbia is coextensive with the city of Washington.
  18. In 1792, the cornerstone of the executive mansion, later known as the White House, was laid during a ceremony in the District of Columbia.
  19. Much of the legislation concerning the District of Columbia is determined by the federal Congress.
  20. In this example, a map of the entire country (with inset maps of the Virgin Islands, Guam, and District of Columbia) is solid white in color.

District of Columbia 单语例句

  1. Two witnesses also spent hours behind closed doors in the District of Columbia's federal courthouse.
  2. Five states and the District of Columbia have adopted laws permitting marriage of gay couples, while nine other states have granted similar rights to gay domestic partners.
  3. The president is determined by who wins the Electoral College, which has 538 members apportioned by population in each state and the District of Columbia.
  4. The US president is determined by who wins the Electoral College, which has 538 members apportioned by population in each state and the District of Columbia.
  5. A search warrant indicated police are investigating crimes including brandishing a weapon and violating the District of Columbia's gun laws.
  6. A program dear to Boehner that lets District of Columbia students use federally funded vouchers to attend private schools also survived.
  7. He was also expected to win primaries in Maryland and the District of Columbia, after sweeping four states plus the Virgin Islands this past weekend.
  8. Kerry has 16 states plus the District of Columbia secured or leaning his direction for 211 electoral votes.
  9. The following is a summary of electoral votes held by each state and the District of Columbia for the presidential election.
  10. Sixteen states plus the District of Columbia are with Kerry or leaning his way for 217 electoral votes.

District of Columbia

un. 哥伦比亚特区(美国联邦地区,与美首都华盛顿同其范围,亦作D.C)
[网络] 华盛顿特区;哥伦比亚大区;华盛顿哥伦比亚特区
District of Columbia


region: 地区,指较大范围内的区域,一般按自然条件和自身特点划分。如:an autonomous  region(自治区)
area: 面积,范围,一般用语,没有明确的外围界限,也可指占地面积。如:The factory covers an area of 500 mu.(这工厂占地50亩。)
belt: 地带,通常指狭长的地带。如:The northern part of the country is usually regarded as the wheat belt.(这国家的北部通常被看作小麦种植地带。)
district: 区,行政区,指一国家或城市按行政区的划分。如:the economic development district(经济开放区)
zone: 地带,地区,区域,指某一特定的地方或区域。如:Most of China is in the temperate zone.(中国的大部分地区在温带。)

region: n.行政区划上更大的地区,如"自治区";身体部位。
 ➤ The northeast region of the USA includes New York and the six New England states.  

vicinity: n.周围地区,附近地区。
 ➤ The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the vicinity.  

area: n.泛指面积较大的地区;面积;专业领域。
 ➤ The New York area has high rents.  

district: n.行政区划的小范围地区。如Xicheng district北京西城区
zone: n.指特定的地方、地带。
 ➤ The city passed a law to create a business zone on some empty land.  