Dirac是什么意思 Dirac在线中文翻译

Dirac 英 [diˈræk] 美 [dɪˈræk]

Dirac 词典解释

形容词迪拉克(姓氏; Paul Adrien Maurice, 1902-,英国物理学家,曾获1933年诺贝尔物理学奖)

Dirac 网络解释

  1. 狄拉克
    ...发明显像管 1901-1954 费米(Fermi) 意大利物理学家,主持研制第一个原子反应堆 1901-1976 海森伯(Heisenberg) 德国物理学家,创立矩阵力学 1902-1984 狄拉克(Dirac) 英国物理学家 1903-1957 冯诺意曼(Von Neumann) 美国数学家,...
  2. 狄悦克
    ...量子力学就是这一长串新发现所导致的理论结晶,它有两个不同的形式,一为叫矩阵力学由海增白(Heisenberg),波恩(Born),约当(Jordan)及狄悦克(Dirac)等人所创立,另一为叫波动力学由德布罗意(de Broglie),水丁格(Schroedinger)等人所创立的....
  3. 单位冲激函数
    ...dir 列出目录清单 | dirac 单位冲激函数 | disp 显示矩阵和文字内容...
  4. 建筑厅堂音质分析系统
    ...SMJS建筑声学测试系统 | DIRAC建筑厅堂音质分析系统 | SABN室内声学预测分析软件...

Dirac 双语例句

  1. Dirac was a loyal friend to people on all sides of the conflict.
  2. Of course, this is still significantly better than Theora, and in my tests it beats Dirac quite handily as well.
  3. This can be done either through Dirac's canonical quantization or Feynman's path integral.
  4. The foundations of quantum mechanics were established during the first half of the 20th century by Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, Max Born, John von Neumann, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli and others.
  5. The eigenvalue problem of Dirac operator with perturbation Parameter is studied, the analyticity of perturbation parameter is discussed, and the analytic extension is done, at last, the expansion formulas of power serier about preradical expansion into perturbation parameter are got.
  6. Quantum mechanic requires the states of a dynamical system and the dynamical variables to be interconnected in quite strange ways that are unitelligible from the classical standpoint.
  7. Although the MFS can easily handle the advection-diffusion problems, it is difficult to solve the wave equation directly, because the fundamental solution of wave equation always accompanies with the Dirac delta function.
  8. Heisenberg was 23 when he had his epiphany. Pauli, when not quite 25, came up with a fundamental tenet called the exclusion principle. Dirac was just a little older when he predicted the positron — another particle discovered the same year as the Copenhagen fest.
  9. As its application, the integrable coupling of the multi-component Dirac hierarchy is worked out.
  10. Using Dirac equation, the Hawking absorption of spin particles near the interior horizon of black hole is studied. We redefine the entropy of black hole is defined, and give planck absolute entropy of charged evaporative black hole with general spherical symmetry is given.
  11. As Farmelo puts it, the discovery of quantum mechanics knifed open a sack of mathematical gemstones – and it was Dirac who gathered the most diamonds.
  12. Our model is obviously superior to Rinker'smodel. because Rinker's model potential is a combination of Thomas-Fermi-Dirac potential and Hartree-Fock-Slater potential for the isolated ion.
  13. Dirac wave-motion equations are introduced in the hyperbolic complex spaces, the number of the equations is more onefold than the number of tradition equations, and they form eight fold Dirac particles.
  14. Paul Dirac was a strange man in a strange world.
  15. The application of an appropriate apodization film to an ordinary lens makes the point amplitude response asymptotic to a Dirac-delta function, or causes an arbitrarily narrow depth of focus. This implicates that we may achieve lateral or axial superresolution through implementing an apodization film.
  16. Jared Dirac is the only human who can provide answers -- a superhuman hybrid, created from Boutin`s DNA, Jared`s brain should be able to access Boutin`s electronic memories. But when the memory transplant appears to fail, Jared is given to the Ghost Brigades.
    Jared Dirac是唯一知道答案的人,他是一个超级混血人,他是由Boutin`的DNA创造出来的,他的大脑应该能够记住Boutin的记忆存储,但是,当存储失败时,Jared被送到了魔鬼部队。
  17. Conversely, if the system is in a state such that a measurement of a real dynamical variable e is certainly go give one particular result, then the state is an eigenstate of e and the result of the measurement is the eigenvalue of e to which this eigenstate belongs.
  18. The Dirac energy levels near the event horizons of a type of stationary and axially symmetric non-Kerr black holes with mass multipole moments are studied.
  19. The AB problem and Dirac magnetic monopole is also introduced.
  20. Magnetic monopoles, gauge invariance, and the Dirac quantization condition for the magnetic charge of a magnetic monopole.

Dirac [di'ræk]

n. 狄拉克(姓氏,英国物理学家数学家)
n. English theoretical physicist who applied relativity theory to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of antimatter and the positron (1902-1984)