DPS是什么意思 DPS在线中文翻译


DPS 词典解释

形容词Data Processing Station[System] 数据处理站[系统];Document Processing System 文件处理系统

DPS 网络解释

  1. 伤害输出
    ...角色特点 范围性攻击(AOE)/伤害输出(DPS)守望者这个职业比较适合喜欢多样化输出并有防护(TANK)能力的玩家. 虽然守望者只能装备中甲,但他们依然有着不错的防护(TANK)能力,守望者的独特装备让他们与护戒队中其他职业显著区别开....
  2. 输出
    ...因为优秀的大型网游有仇恨系统,不再是以前的谁先打就打谁的老式模式而被引用,所以需要T(tank坦克)去顶住,后面有治疗(奶妈)补血,输出(DPS)制造伤害而击败大型BOSS 或 击退大量敌人....
  3. abbr. date processing system; 数据处理系统
  4. abbr. digitized photogrammetric survey; 数字摄影测量
  5. abbr. the distributed power system; 分布式电源
  6. abbr. dynamically positioning system; 动力定位系统

DPS 双语例句

  1. Your mutilates will hit harder, and although your overall DPS may be lower, you have a better chance of taking someone down in a short time period.
  2. Although your mutilates will hit for less than if you were using slow daggers, the DPS loss from this is more than made up for by having extra energy and poisoning the enemy more often.
  3. From the DPS, TANK, treatment tasks can be carried out to choose their own area.
  4. The reason why this is important is because if the opponent has a hard-core carry like Mortred, Clinkz or Void, they will be dishing out 300+ damage per attack. The evasion will drastically increase your overall EHP and you will be able to stand your ground against any of these heroes.
  5. If those spells were of questionable or no utility then the class distinction really starts to devolve into damage, healing and tanking. But none of them should be mandatory.
  6. Any dps numbers you do take are a snapshot in time.
  7. There isn't much other than high dps to consider for damage dealers.
  8. If you include SW:Death into it, you will lower your DPS because the 1.5sec GCD will eat away at Mind Flays timing and either....
  9. I wouldn't recommend using the macro for Mind Flay if you have high latency, but even with low latency you'd gain a very small amount of DPS if you would properly time your Mind Flays rather than using the macro.
  10. In the sample orchard five sample spots were chosen, and one tree in every spot. The crown of a tree carve was divided into up twenty units and twenty leaves at every unit were researched and the number of group calculated. Finally the data were analyzed by Excel and Dps.
  11. Fortunately, this means that some of the odd side effects of the old Aimed Shot are no longer relevant, such as requiring hunters to use extremely slow weapons to maximize their DPS weapons slow enough to be able to use Aimed Shot in between auto shots
  12. At the time I said that it was true.
    大意是說,盡管我們改動了懲戒,比如修復了正義復仇的BUG和加強了神圣風暴的傷害,讓RET的PVE DPS看起來稍微好看點,但是我們還是會保持對RET的關注,不過你們這些家伙別因為DPS比不上皮卡丘和移動榮譽就自動的去怪在我們頭上。
  13. When you reach a certain level of equipment, you will find it difficult to increase the DPS, I suggest shooting friends can play an appropriate increase in armor penetration.
  14. On DPS05 Take More, And Erase Your Shots – Apr 25, 2010
  15. Having an addon to keep track of your DPS can be handy, with Recount and Skada being the standard DPS display addons these days.
  16. Cat in order to not waste a GCD if he is fast enough to vanish.
  17. Firstly, the structure and relation inside the distribution system are analyzed in detail. A layout of GIS-based DPS is proposed.
  18. As I have posted a couple of times recently, we decided to raise the armor of level 83 raid bosses by 10% to correct for some dps difference between casters and melee + hunters. I wanted to address the issue head on with the rogues.
  19. When the pressure difference exceeds a set value of a DPS, the micro-switch operation, triggering an alarm.
  20. Anyway with my dps tracker, I and my pet had 450 dps against that mage.

DPS 单语例句

  1. DPS spokeswoman Tela Mange said earlier that the disturbance was in the prison yard.


abbr. 数据表示系统(Data Processing Station);文档处理系统(Document Processing System)
n a person forced to flee from home or country