DBI是什么意思 DBI在线中文翻译


DBI 词典解释

形容词Database Index 数据库索引(美国SDC公司的ORBIT软件)

DBI 网络解释

  1. 直接胆红素
    ...CH)平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC) 红细胞分布宽度变异系数(RDW-CV)血小板数目(PLT) 平均血小板体积(MPV)血小板分布宽度(PDW) 血小板压积(PCT)谷丙转氨酶(ALT) 谷草转氨酶(AST) 总胆红素(TBI) 直接胆红素(DBI)蛋白质(PRO)葡...
  2. 中国学习动力网
    ...autoregulation 自动控制 | dbi中国学习动力网 | dbi中国学习动力网...
  3. 各向同性分贝
    ...DB-9 DB-9 接口 58 | dBI 各向同性分贝 58 | dBm 分贝毫瓦 58...
  4. 双键指数
    ...深探测井眼补偿声波 DBHC | 双键指数 DBI | 金刚石钻头 DBIT...
  5. abbr. diffused traumatic brain injury; 弥漫性脑损伤
  6. abbr. double bond index; 双键指数
  7. abbr. dynamic bus inversion; 动态总线倒置
  8. abbr. diazepam binding inhibitor; 苯甲二氮茸结合抑制因子

DBI 双语例句

  1. The gain of an antenna is a passive phenomenon - power is not added by the antenna, but simply redistributed to provide more radiated power in a certain direction than would be transmitted by an isotropic antenna.
  2. Secondly, we examine the COBRA with segmented parabolic reflectors. The design of the reflector is re-expatiated, which is composed of several equivalent parts of parabolic reflector with the same axis and focus. The radiation formulas are deduced with Current Distribution Methods, and the radiation patterns are calculated. The results show that it can produce high-gain circularly polarized field in the boresight direction (the gain is about 30dBi when the diameter of the reflector is 1.3m) and its 3dB bandwidth is 78%. The radiation formulas of TEM coaxial mode as the radiation mode of COBRA are also deduced. At last, a new folding antenna has been put forward and designed.
  3. KWGR614 modelling is beautiful, fashionable, use two dismountable 2dbi antenna, make signal stronger.
  4. Overall, the patterns are omnidirectional and suitable for practical use. Themeasured gain was 0.4 dBi at 948 MHz, 1.7 dBi at 1790 MHz, and 1.1 dBiat 2465 MHz.
    所衡量的增益在全球行动通讯系统频带的 948 MHz 处是 0.4 dBi ,在集散控制系统频带的 1790 MHz 处是 1.7 dBi,而在工业科学与医疗系统频带的 2465 MHz 处是 1.1 dBi
  5. But now with the emergence of standard 5dBi products, greatly enhancing the coverage of product stability and connectivity.
  6. The easiest way to see Class::DBI in action is to build a simple application with it.
  7. Sometimes the information we store in the database can be used to work with non-Class::DBI modules.
  8. The reference case is a 3-sector system with antenna gain of 18 dBi.
    其参考方案是具有18DB 天线增益的三扇形天线系统。
  9. The rats were randomly divided into control group and DBI groups at 3, 6, 12, 24 and 72h, and on 7d.
  10. Based on DBI method, an iteration algorithm is proposed for solving this kind of strongly non-linear problems.
  11. 4 DBi gain at 1593 MHz is also achieved.
  12. Taurine can protect the DBI rats by down-regulating the expression of MMP-3 in brain tissue.
  13. It gives about 4 dB loss of gain of antenna in relation to theoretic value with an efficiency of 100%.
  14. They give about 4 dB loss of antenna gain in relation to the theoretic value with an efficiency of 100%.
  15. The Born iterative method is only suitable to weakly non-linear problems.
    基于DBI方法(Distorted-Born Iterative 方法),提出了一种求解弹性波强非线性逆散射问题的迭代方法。
  16. The improved antenna can obtain polarization diversity signal and a higher gain (7.7dBi).
  17. Effects of the charge of DBI, temperature, time and pH value on increasing MOW deinking pulp brightness, decreasing dirt count during the course of DBI bleaching were studied first in this paper, and the best condition of DBI bleaching was set up.
  18. The results of 34% and 6% bandwidth, 7.9dBi and 9.98~12.15 dBi gain, F/B ratio 16dB and 10~12dB are simulated by IE3D for stacked aperture coupled MPA and MSBA, and the beam steered from –30 to +30 degrees at operating frequency.
  19. Finally, this paper propose a feasible method to fabricate Ka-band stacked aperture coupled MPA and MSBA built on a permittivity εr = 11.9, tanδ=0.001 silicon wafer by micromachined techniques.
    最后利用IE3D设计Ka频段的堆叠式开槽耦合微带天线与可控波束微带天线阵列,在模拟阻抗良好的匹配情况下,其频宽有34 %及6 %,天线增益为7.9 dBi与9.98~12.15 dBi,F/B比为16dB及10~12dB,而可控波束微带天线阵列的扫描角度为±30度。
  20. Two types of 2×2 Aperture coupled microstrip steering beam antenna array composed by foregoing two type phase shifter are built on FR4 substrate for C band application. The measured antenna gain are 9.2 dBi and 8.8 dBi, whereas the front to back ratio is 7~9dB with the beam scan angle in E plane is ±31degrees and ±30 degrees. The measured bandwidth of two type aperture coupled MSBA is 1~2GHz.
    其次将二种相移器与开槽耦合微带天线结合,设计成2× 2的开槽耦合可控波束微带天线阵列,当在天线阵元间馈入0度~180度的相位差时,结合相移器的两种天线阵列,波束可扫描角度在E面分别为±31度与±30度,F/B比在7~9dB之间,增益则为8.8 及 9.2 dBi,且均有1~2GHz的频宽。


abbr. database index 数据库索引; days before inoculation 接种前天数; development-at-birth index 诞生开发索引(数据库索引); 出生时的发育指数