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Colles 双语例句

  1. Objective To investigate the mechanism of colles fracture in combination with carpal joint instability and its prevention and treatment.
  2. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical effect of the plastic splint on the treatment of Colles fracture.
  3. Objective To investigate local changes in bone mass of the patients with Colles'fracture and possible clinical relevance.
    目的 研究Colles骨折治疗过程中的局部骨量变化及其临床意义。
  4. Especially, it can keep stabilization of the Colles fracture.
  5. Objective To analyse the curative effect of Colles'fracture by non-operative methods.
    目的 总结不同类型Colles骨折非手术治疗的疗效。
  6. Objective To evaluate the effect of splinting with acute cold compress fixation early for Colles fracture.
  7. Methods According to Older criteria, 223 cases of Colles'fracture were classified.
    目的 总结不同类型Colles骨折非手术治疗的疗效。
  8. Abstract] Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of Colles fascia outside high sleeve resection of redundant prepuce by somatic part of penis.
    目的 评价采用阴茎体部Colles筋膜外高位袖状切除包皮过长的临床疗效。
  9. Department of Orthopedic, the Third Hospital of Yiyang, Yiyang 413002, China
  10. Objective To study the correlation between fracture of distal radius(colles'fracture)following low energy trauma in 40~65 aged women and osteoporosis.
    目的 探讨由轻创伤而引起的桡骨远端骨折病人的骨质密度与骨折发生的相互关系。
  11. Conclusion: Treating the Colles Fracture with wrapping sides plaster has a good effect with few complication and it is worth spreading.
  12. Objective To study the criteria for evaluating Colles fractur combined with dorsal radiocarpal subluxation (DRS).
  13. Clinical Summary on Bimanual Colles'Fracture: A Report of 31 cases
  14. Treatment of the old Colles fracture combined with Madelung deformity with ilia transplantation
  15. Based on the experience of using plaster casts and splints, and measured lenght of forearm and circumference of wrist of 120 normal men and 60 cases Colles fracture patients. We have designed a new type of fixator the Colles fracture clamp.
  16. Method 100 cases of Colles'fracture were treated with plaster fixation of wrist in extended position.
  17. One-hundred cases of Colles'fracture were treated by plaster immobilization with the wrist in extended position.
  18. The New Understanding of the Fixation of Wrist in Extended Position for the Treatment of Colles'Fracture
  19. CONCLUSION: Gripping exercise can prevent the decrease of the radius bone density after Colles'fracture treated with small splint immobilization.
  20. The Plaster Immobilization with the Wrist in Extended Position for Treatment of Colles'Fracture

Colles ['kɔlis]

[人名] 科利斯