Calabria是什么意思 Calabria在线中文翻译

Calabria 英 [kəˈleibriə] 美 [kəˈlebriə, kɑˈlɑbriɑ]

Calabria 网络解释

  1. 卡拉布里亚
    ...南方大区理论上包括了坎帕尼亚(Campania),巴西利卡塔(Basilicta),卡拉布里亚(Calabria),普利亚(Puglia)这四个大区,以及萨丁和西西里两个岛屿. 字1929年创始以来,意甲历史上从来没有过6支来自南方地区的球队,在同一赛季里参加顶级联赛的盛况,...
  2. 卡拉布利亚
  3. 卡拉布里亚区
    ...卡坦扎罗 (Catanzaro)意大利南部城市,卡拉布里亚区(Calabria)首府. 近爱奥尼亚海的斯奎拉切湾(Squillace). 人口10.1万(1982). 约建于公元十世纪. 丝绸工业历史悠久,十七至十八世纪曾享有世界声誉. 还有化肥、纺织与食品等工业....
  4. 卡拉不利亚大区
    ...Basilicata 巴西里卡塔大区 | Calabria 卡拉不利亚大区 | proprio 确实, 他,他们, 自己的...

Calabria 双语例句

  1. MILANELLO - Milan had a training session at 11am CET where they went through a warm-up then played a match where Carlo Ancelotti tested the side to take the pitch in Reggio Calabria.
  2. Donatella was born on May 2, 1955 in Reggio di Calabria, Italy, the youngest of four children.
  3. The bird flu virus has arrived in Italy, said Francesco Storace, the Italian health minister, at a news conference, announcing that 17 swans had been found dead in three southern regions, Calabria, Sicily, and Puglia.
    欧洲官方昨天宣布,在希腊和意大利已经发现有野鸟感染致命的 A(H5N1)型禽流感病毒,这在欧盟国家尚属首次。另外,在保加利亚也检测到该病毒。
  4. The economy of the whole Italic federation, whose territory now extended from Tuscany (through Piza-Pistoia-Fiesole-Rimini, but excluding the upper course of the Arno) to southern-most Calabria, was strengthened by the construction of the first important inland road, the Via Appia, running from Rome to Capua and Benevento (312-268 BC), as well as the development of the fleet and marine transport.
  5. He would like to be back at Reggio Calabria, but before it will be important to return in the group.
    他很愿意回到Reggio Calabria,不过在这之前,更重要的是回到球队里。
  6. I am in Calabria now and tomorrow I will have a party with my friends which is something have makes me proud.
  7. We are going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria.
  8. I admire him because, in addition to his value as a player, he has done a lot of charitable work to help Calabria.
  9. This has all come about in the last three months and the new building for the kids in Calabria can be started.
  10. We're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria.
  11. Benedict urged upon his monks the duty of systematic reading, it was Cassiodorus, the quondam minister of the Gothic kings, who about the year 538 gave the first real impetus to monastic learning at Viviers in Calabria.
  12. Organic Bergamot essential oil from Calabria in Italy, 10mls.
    Bay House的有机佛手柑精油是来自于意大利卡拉布利亚区。
  13. SpA, Politecnico di Bari, Politecnico di Torino, Renault, Robert Bosch GmbH, Schneider Electric, Snecma, SYMME Laboratory, TATA Motors Ltd, Toshiba, Umicore Solar team, University Bucharest, Universit degli Studi di Ferrara, Universit di Napoli Federico II, University of Calabria, Valeo Commutation et Syst mes de D tection, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, WDL Ltd and Westland Helicopters Ltd.
    LMS公司非常荣幸邀请到来自世界领先航天航空和汽车公司的三位主讲者:来自波音公司的首席声学工程师将作题为飞机机舱声学建模的主题报告;沃尔沃建筑设备有限公司液压传动系统工程部的Bobbie Frank先生,将介绍建筑机械在真实工作条件下的虚拟仿真;福特汽车公司的动力总成NVH CAE经理Mario J。
  14. Four years earlier, the Calabria native won gold in the Featherweight category at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul.
  15. The Italian branch after some time not only prospered in the valleys of western Piedmont, but also established important colonies in Calabria and Apulia.
  16. ICCAS, Laboratory of Functional Membranes, research associate1995~1997: Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials of University of Calabria, visiting scholar, post doc.
  17. Indeed, the provincial capital, Reggio Calabria, proudly calls itself the Bergamot City.
  18. Over the next six weeks, I travel to Bologna, to Florence, to Venice, to Sicily, to Sardinia, once more down to Naples, then over to Calabria.
  19. Twelve days of classroom work, with lecturers including an anti-Mafia magistrate from the organised-crime ridden Calabria region, were combined with 30 days visiting businesses.
  20. In the wake of the Calabria earthquake, many people argued that the whole area should be evacuated, and nothing more built on earthquake zones.

Calabria 单语例句

  1. The final group's action saw Cuba show who was boss with a devastating triple in Reggio Calabria to sit in third spot.
  2. Midfielder Gennaro Gattuso is from Calabria and three of his aunts live in Germany.
  3. " The families that are fighting in Calabria are the same ones who fought in Germany, " police colonel Antonio Fiano said.

Calabria [kә'leibriә]

n. a region of southern Italy (forming the toe of the Italian `boot')