Byzantine是什么意思 Byzantine在线中文翻译

Byzantine 英 [baɪˈzæntaɪn] 美 [ˈbɪzənti:n]

Byzantine 词典解释

形容词拜占庭的;错综复杂的; 东罗马帝国的;拜占庭建筑风格的

Byzantine 网络解释

  1. 拜占庭式
    ...在拜占庭式(Byzantine)和罗马式(Romanesque)时期之后的哥德(Gothic)时期,受到全欧洲基督教势力扩大的影响很大. 哥德式初期之家具做工粗糙笨重,但后来随著人们著重世俗的生活,家具才有了很多的装饰....
  2. 拜占庭
    ...拜占庭(Byzantine)式建筑的主要成就与特征: 拜占庭式建筑的特点是十字架横向与竖向长度差异较小,其交点上为一大型圆穹顶. 穹顶在方形的平面上,建立覆盖穹顶,并把重量落在四个独立的支柱上,这对欧洲建筑发展是一大贡献....
  3. 拜占庭人
    ...再到圣苏菲亚教堂欣赏拜占庭人 ( Byzantine ) 精彩的马赛克画. 午餐后,参观大巴扎,自由购买传统工艺品. (以上描述非自费行程中所含的旅游景点)漫步于在著名的工艺品大道 - 史特拉顿 ( Stradun ),...
  4. 拜占庭风格
    ...车站可有各种不同的建筑风格,其中包括缺省的(default)、维克多利亚风格(Victorian)、殖民地风格(Colonial)、文艺复兴风格(Mission Revival)、 都德王朝风格(Tudor)、 拜占庭风格(Byzantine)、 京都复兴时期风格 (Kyoto Revival)等几种....

Byzantine 双语例句

  1. One such neighbour is a professor of comparative literature, Qustandi Shomali, whose first name—a variant of Constantine—recalls the Byzantine emperor who built Bethlehem's first church 1, 700 years ago.
    有这样一位邻居,比较文学教授Qustandi Shomali,他的教名(译注:即Qustandi)是Constantine的一个异体形式,使人回想起1700年前修建伯利恒第一座堂的拜占庭皇帝。
  2. The business revival offered a broad market to the trade. The countries in northwest Europe were relatively lagged and were located in the marginal or submarginal areas of the division of the European market, Byzantine Empire appeared to be fading and faced the interior as well as the exterior circumstances and all these elements gave a upstanding chance to the development of the carrying trade in Italy.
  3. But it is not my intention to expatiate with the same minuteness on the whole series of the Byzantine history.
  4. In Russia, those black-haired girls oriental ancient Byzantine origin, facial features Sioulang atmosphere.
  5. Giotto saw traditional Byzantine madonnas painted according to a formula that had satisfied everyone for centuries, and to him they looked wooden and unnatural. Copernicus was so troubled by a hack that all his contemporaries could tolerate that he felt there must be a better solution.
  6. They invaded the territory of Moldavia, Wallachia and part of Transylvania in the 11th century, and from there they continuing their plundering of the Russian territories, the Byzantine Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary.
  7. As the rite of the Latin Church it is used exclusively in the Latin Patriarchate, with three small exceptions at Milan, Toledo, and in the still Byzantine churches of Southern Italy, Sicily, and Corsica.
  8. Second, Mr Obama`s scattershot tax increases are a poor substitute for the wholesale reform America`s Byzantine tax code needs.
  9. On the east side, it ended with an apse in a solid rectangular block. A sacristy on each side opened into aisles. This plan was often followed by Byzantine architects in Palestine. The dual sacristies served liturgical purposes, while the mass of masonry in the middle strengthened the building against earthquakes which were frequent enough in this Sec of the world.
  10. In 2004, we began to make an exploration of industrial and commercial integration, and have self-developed the exclusive Byzantine beige marble.
  11. Periodic renaissances of Byzantine art occurred that created close imitation of past models.
  12. Computing systems, such as logical clocks, consensus problem, failure detection, Byzantine agreement
  13. With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantine, Mesopotamian, Persian, Arabian, Indian and Chinese.
  14. During the Byzantine period the spoken language continued to develop without the archaizing tendencies of the written language.
  15. The Fire Ship is a Byzantine Dromon modified to carry a medieval version of the flame thrower used to spew out Greek Fire at unfortunate foes.
  16. A warship used by the Byzantine Empire since the 6th century, the Dromon is propelled by oar and sail and have a central tower from which marines can use their bow or throw spears and other projectiles.
  17. Byzantine I think you would call it.
  18. The games were held every four years from 776 BC to 393 AD, when they were abolished by the Christian Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I. The ancient Olympic Games lasted for 1170 years.
    奥运会从公元前776年对公元393年,每四年举办一次,当基督徒拜占庭式的皇帝废除,古老奥林匹克运动会持续了1170 年。
  19. That the Byzantine emperor Manuel I Comnenus secretly hindered the crusaders'progress
  20. The main Western Christian source, Odo of Deuil, and Syriac Christian sources claim that the Byzantine emperor Manuel I Comnenus secretly hindered the crusaders'progress, particularly in Anatolia where he is alleged to have deliberately ordered Turks to attack them.
    西方基督徒 Odo of Deuil 和一些叙利亚基督徒都认为这是拜占庭国王曼努埃尔一世在暗地里阻挠十字军进程,尤其是十字军在安纳托利亚受到的袭击,正是他有意指使土耳其人所为。

Byzantine 单语例句

  1. During the Byzantine period, it used to be Christianity's largest church.
  2. The most significant Byzantine monuments are churches with superb mosaics and frescoes, representative of the Byzantine art periods.
  3. Diocletian's reign marked the transition from the Roman to the Byzantine era in Egypt, when a great number of Egyptian Christians were persecuted.
  4. Beside it is an older church replacing a Byzantine church razed by the Turks.
  5. A Han Dynasty envoy and his entourage even went on the journey to Byzantine in the year of AD 97.
  6. The Chinese industry seems to have benefited from a number of skilled Byzantine refugees fleeing the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.
  7. However, he didn't make it to Byzantine and was stopped at what was then Persia.
  8. The Byzantine rules governing delegates'powers and obligations are nearly incomprehensible, he said.

Byzantine [bi'zæntain]

n. 拜占庭人,拜占庭派的建筑师
adj. 拜占庭式的;东罗马帝国的
n. a native or inhabitant of Byzantium or of the Byzantine Empire
a. of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it
a. of or relating to or characteristic of the Byzantine Empire or the ancient city of Byzantium