Barbuda是什么意思 Barbuda在线中文翻译

Barbuda 英 [bɑ:ˈbu:də] 美 [bɑrˈbudə]

Barbuda 网络解释

  1. 巴布达岛
    ...07年初,世贸组织审判小组判定支持安提瓜岛(Antigua)和巴布达岛(Barbuda)的控诉,称美国禁止洲际赌博的法律违反了贸易法. 美国贸易代表助理John Veroneau在一份声明中称,不幸的是,20世纪90年代初,美国草拟了国际承诺开放其娱乐服务市场,...
  2. 巴布达
    ...世界贸易组织(WTO)先前已经指出UIGEA是钻了国际贸易法的空子. 后来,安提瓜(Antigua)和巴布达(Barbuda)也在WTO提出诉讼成功,但是,这种类似于惩罚性的损失赔偿远不可能达到这些小国家提出来的索赔要求的....
  3. 完美紫色
    ...Bali 完美褐灰色 | Barbuda 完美紫色 | Bengali 飽和粉霧巧克力棕色...

Barbuda 双语例句

  1. She is the Queen regnant and Head of State of the United Kingdom, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu.
  2. Antigua and Barbuda yesterday received the final ruling in its World Trade Organisation gambling case against the US.
  3. Little did he know that over 200 years later the same unique characteristics that attracted the Royal Navy would transform Antigua and Barbuda in one of the Caribbean's premier tourist destinations.
  4. An'.''island of Antigua and Barbuda in the West Indies north of Antigua.
  5. And the fascinating little island of Barbuda -- once a scavenger's paradise because so many ships wrecked on its reefs -- is now home to one of the region's most significant bird sanctuaries.
  6. Antigua and Barbuda supports this declaration in its entirety.
  7. Barbuda, a flat coral island with an area of only 68 square miles, lies approximately 30 miles due north.
  8. Ireland, Estonia and Andorra Albania Austria Belarus Bosnia Bulgaria, Belgium and Iceland Russia Poland, Denmark and Germany France, Finland and Netherlands Montenegro Czech, Croatia and Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia, Romania, Moldova, Monaco and Norway Malta, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland San Marino Serbia Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine Greece, Hungary and Italy Spain United Kingdom European North America Antigone melon and Barbuda, Barbados, Bahamas and Panama, Costa Rica Dominica Grenada, Cuba and Canada Jamaica Trinidad and Tobago United States of America Mexico South America Argentina Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia Ecuador, Guyana and Peru Suriname Uruguay Venezuela Oceania Australia and Australia Papua New Guinea, Chile, Fiji, Cook Islands FSM Tonga Samoa Vanuatu New Zealand亚纽埃construction of power grids; power grid infrastructure; power supply; the safe operation of power grids; States Power; the national grid; power grid construction and development; grid development planning; grid construction projects; Power Development planning; power grid construction and transformation projects; grid projects and line the corridor of land for construction purposes; power grid planning and construction projects; substation sites, and overhead power line corridors and cable channels; substations and overhead power line pole, tower base; grid enterprises; power construction projects; grid enterprises; grid construction projects; grid enterprises; the pole and overhead power lines, tower base; overhead power line corridors and underground electrical facilities sites; overhead power line pole, tower base; the basis of self-reliance for its tower extends over the exposed parts of the lateral 1 m of the quadrilateral formed; la mast, tower of the main pit and pit lines; under the tower base; the pole and overhead power lines, tower base; power grid enterprises; new corridors and overhead power lines; new corridors and overhead power lines; power grid enterprises; and overhead power lines from the higher ground; grid enterprises; overhead lines; grid enterprises; overhead power line construction and safe operation; and above 500-kilovolt line from the side below the level of lead from the scope of 5 meters; 220 kV and below line; overhead lines within the scope of 300 meters; power lines; grid enterprises; power facilities protection; power facilities; power facilities; grid enterprises; grid construction project planning and construction of power grids; power grid enterprises; 500 kV Substation, 220 kV substation City; Power Enterprise; grid construction projects; grid enterprises; grid construction projects; grid construction projects; grid smooth implementation of construction projects; power grids, power plant equipment tender, power plants, power grids project tendering, project information to be under construction; Chen Mobile:+0086-13901623260; pool of talent pool, experts ring
  9. An island of Antigua and Barbuda in the West Indies north of Antigua.
  11. These nations include Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Barbados, and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
  12. Sir Allen, who got his knighthood from Antigua and Barbuda, behaved like that in business.
  13. There are also the teeny countries that may be hoping to profit from their very nationhood: St. Kitts and Nevis, Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda & all are targeting Chinese investors.
  14. Organic Integration & Cricket Pitch Design of Antigua and Barbuda Aid Project
  15. John Ashe, Antigua and Barbuda's UN ambassador, compiled the texts as head of a group looking at future cuts in emissions by rich nations.
  16. An island in Antigua and barbuda.
  17. The largest of the islands comprising Antigua and Barbuda.
  18. It is the hope of the Chinese Embassy that your will be able to make great contributions to the friendship between China and Antigua and Barbuda.
  19. The people of Antigua and Barbuda are expecting you to be back following the completion of your courses in China with your talents and wisdom.
  20. It is part of the country of Antigua and Barbuda and is roughly 87 kilometers(54 miles).
    这是该国安提瓜和巴布达以及大约是八十七公里( 54英里)。

Barbuda 单语例句

  1. He said Antigua and Barbuda values its friendly cooperation with China and is grateful for the economic assistance provided by China over many years.

Barbuda [bɑ: 'bu: dә]

n an island in Antigua and Barbuda