Averroism是什么意思 Averroism在线中文翻译


Averroism 网络解释

  1. 阿威罗伊主义
    ...它的根源可追溯至奥古斯丁(如果不是更早的话),17世纪直接继承的是司各特(Scotus)和奥卡姆(Occam)所阐发的阿威罗伊主义(Averroism)*. (在17世纪,这种方法的一个面向是作为唯信主义的异端而出名的,而蒙田和帕斯卡都还是信仰主义者....
  2. 阿威罗伊学说( 伊斯兰哲学家阿威罗伊)
    ...averment || 断言 | Averroism || 阿威罗伊学说( 伊斯兰哲学家阿威罗伊) | averse from || 厌恶于...
  3. 阿威洛伊主义
    ...? Thomism托马斯主义 | ? Averroism阿威洛伊主义 | ? Scotism司各脱主义...

Averroism 双语例句

  1. The recrudescence of Averroism in the schools, the excessive cultivation of formalism and subtlety, the growth of artificial and even barbarous terminology, and the neglect of the study of nature and of history contributed to the same result.
    该复发的averroism ,在学校,过度的培养,形式主义和微妙,增长人工,甚至野蛮的术语,忽视了研究的性质和历史贡献,同样的结果。
  2. Many of his works in logic and metaphysics had, however, been consigned to the flames, so that he left no school, and the end of the dominion of the Moors in Spain, which occurred shortly afterwards, turned the current of Averroism completely into Hebrew and Latin channels, through which it influenced the thought of Christian Europe down to the dawn of the modern era.
  3. Lt is the trait which differentiates Scholasticism from Averroism.
  4. The Averroism against which Albert the Great and especially Aquinas had fought so energetically did not disappear entirely with the condemnation of Paris (1277), but survived under a more or less attenuated form.
    averroism反对何俊仁的伟大,特别是阿奎那曾打了这麼大力没有消失,完全与谴责巴黎( 1277 ),但存活下更多或更少的衰减形式。
  5. In this chapter, we focus on Bonaventurean salvation, individuality and immortality of soul, and the difference between Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas which they were against together the union of intellect of Latin Averroism. Chapter seven: Finality and Echo.

Averroism [,ævә'rәjizәm]

n. [哲]阿威罗伊学说( 伊斯兰哲学家阿威罗伊)
n. The tenets of the Averroists.