Aussie是什么意思 Aussie在线中文翻译

Aussie 英 [ˈɒzi] 美 [ˈɔ:zi]


Aussie 词典解释


Aussie 网络解释

  1. 澳大利亚人
    ...两个澳大利亚人(Aussie)本能地抬头一看,僵住了. 上面离他们只有十英尺的地方,一张脸伸进舷窗,正瞧着他们. 莱昂上尉等人看见零式战斗机和轻型飞机从早到晚往返飞奔于宽阔的海港中,还有汽艇来回穿梭,就像许多水蝽(waterbug)在到处乱转....
  2. 澳元
    ...瑞士法郎---Swissy | 澳元---Aussie | 新西兰元---Kiwi...
  3. 澳洲
    ...August 八月 | Aussie 澳洲 | author 作者...

Aussie 双语例句

  1. Everyone loves Yao Ming, but especially Aussie hoopster Lauren Jackson.
  2. Sales of the Aussie were attributed to the fact that traders felt the market may be overbought as well as the assumption that next month may not bring another hike.
  3. The nationality of Aussie is Australia.
  4. Both factors of the rapid growth of population and water shortage make it more and more difficult to let human survive.
    发现你的这个话题正是我的aussie mom所关心的话题,有空介绍你和那个澳籍老太太认识。。。。
  5. I am an easy going professional Aussie working in China.
  6. Last but not least is the Aussie style Fish and Chips..
  7. Here is a link to one of our Aussie Rotorcraft forums.
  8. I am an Aussie now livin in Shanghai, I see little evidence between the Religion and the environmental protection.
  9. He soon returned to Aussie with his better half.
  10. He keeps in touch with an Aussie in the chat room on the net.
  11. But i have no mood at all!n furthermore, becoz of the shit mark, i cannot choose my units next semesterdouble degree, with an extradegree i don't know n don't like at all? orfall back to choose a two years n a half course, which means ``` more money, or more important, more time costi canot make my choice!iam kinda sick of everythin```may it's time to make a decision, ```gotta spend more time n energy on it```it seems that finally, i suddenlyrealize thatthe academic achivement, issuch an importantissure thati was so easily n readily ignored before, n it is was alwasy the lastest thing list in mymind after a merry spring day, or some busy working hrs as a ```simply waitress```so sad anyway, just wanna say, sad, sad, IAM SO SAD!
    乘一个周末去了Darling Harbor 旁向往很久的动物园WILDLIFE WORLD,看到Aussie名扬世界的憨到极致的考拉和cute 到境界的袋鼠,第一次发现蝴蝶的惊艳式的美丽,各种各样的蜥蜴,世界上最大的蟑螂,最长的蛇,最危险的鸟类···拍到了Dark Wolrd让人毛骨悚然的LADY'S```还有QVB的美丽圣诞,自己很是稀饭,详情各位看官看偶的相册`惊艳wildlife world `照片吧!
  12. I agree aussie playing footballlike playing rugby...either posture or style...
  13. The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says, Oh!
  14. We hope Sameway can help you to become more Aussie in your lifestyle.
  15. Kangaroo Ridge is the quintessential Aussie wine, with rich flavors harnessed from the sunny vineyard regions of South Eastern Australia.
  16. As i thought, she is a normal Aussie Girl, has a broken marriage, then has a partener, notwell educated, making coffee in the cafe.
  17. The local stock market surged more than 7 per cent; London mining companies followed; the Aussie dollar jumped while the risk-averse yen slipped; and base metals were off to the races nickel was up 11 per cent and copper 8 per cent.
  18. He says the Aussie currency could reach near parity with the U. S.
  19. Aussie singer Natalie Imbruglia is enjoying a high profile at the moment as the face of a certain cosmetics commercial.
  20. It is the result of breeding two merles together; it occurs in any breed in which merles are present

Aussie 单语例句

  1. Today is the Australian national day, affectionately known as " Aussie Day ".
  2. Aussie Day celebrations will be broadcast live from the island on SKY all day on Jan 26.
  3. To prepare for the Guangzhou Asian Games, Zhang trained hard with the Aussie coach from July.
  4. The ridiculous antics of this ancient Chinese comedy traveled through time and space and had us Aussie kids in stitches.
  5. What places the Australian ruby sparklers apart from the cheap fizzy wines out of France is simply the attention to quality that Aussie vintners invested.
  6. And when an Australian Olympian won a gold medal us sports crazed Aussie kids would go completely ape.
  7. And it's not only the Chinese who are baffled by my Aussie tribe's slang.
  8. Aussie music is set to play throughout the night, while Aussie beef pies are on sale to keep drinkers warm and in good cheer.
  9. You can taste the genuine Aussie flavor in 100 percent pure beef brisket, and take a private cooking class if you wish.
  10. It was Agassi who first predicted great things for Hewitt when the Aussie won his hometown tournament aged just 16.

Aussie ['ɒ:zi]

n. 澳洲人;澳大利亚人
adj. 澳洲的
n a native or inhabitant of Australia