Attlee是什么意思 Attlee在线中文翻译

Attlee 英 [ˈætli] 美 [ˈætli]

Attlee 网络解释

  1. 阿特利
    ...邱吉尔仍然在当年6月進行了选举,结果工党控制了议院,邱吉尔被阿特利(Attlee)首相所取代. 六年后保守党再次获胜,邱吉尔得意洋洋的再披首相披风,直到1955年他自愿隐退....
  2. 艾德礼
    ...虽然是英语民族历史上最可耻的时刻,艾德礼(Attlee)工党政府总是夸耀这个政权移交是巨大的成就. 直接为这个大灾难负责的人蒙巴顿勋爵(Lord Mountbatten)成为二战后英国政治失败清单的第一位,罗伯茨从来不会在挑出来时退缩....
  3. 阿特利(艾特利,艾德礼)
    ...Atkins 阿特金斯 | Attlee 阿特利(艾特利,艾德礼) | Aubrey 奥布里...

Attlee 双语例句

  1. In the second chapter, the author introduced the early political lives of Attlee, briefly commented and analyzed his acknowledges to socialist movement, his speeches on socialist characters of the Great Briton, and his prospects for socialist expedition of the Great Briton.
  2. I'm sorry, Attlee, you were saying something?
    抱歉 艾德礼你说什么了吗?
  3. Working for Mr. Attlee.- Of course you're working for him.
  4. Did you vote Attlee...
  5. The thesis intends to make a study and comment on welfare state policy of Attlee government in Britain.
  6. It is very important to correctly understand the nature of the plan because it may to a certain extent affect people's appraisal of the Attlee Government's Indian policy.
  7. LEMENT ATTLEE: What kind of society do you want?
  8. One of the monetary tools used by the postwar Attlee government was the direction of bank lending.
  9. S. Naipaul; the great physicist Stephen Hawking; two British prime ministers, Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson; Australian prime minister Bob Hawke, who still owns the college speed record in beer drinking; the actor Michael York; and the man who killed Rasputin, Prince Felix Yusupov.
  10. In consequence, he was almost always at odds with Winston Churchill, Clement Attlee, Stafford Cripps and his other political masters as he commanded the British Empire`s forces, first against the Axis powers in north Africa and the Levant and then against the Japanese in Asia.
  11. NARRATOR: Attlee, a mild-mannered Christian Socialist, gave Churchill's gaffe a sinister spin.
  12. Attlee was extremely intelligent and his grasp of the situation was masterly.
  13. But the new political leaders of the West were men such as Harry Truman and Clement Attlee, who spoke plainly because they knew no other vocabulary.
  14. On Welfare State Policy of Attlee Government in Britain
  15. Attlee was an Oxford man.
  16. A group of Labour MPs protested at the extravagance, and Clement Attlee, the Labour PM, had to write to the palace to ask about the allegedly unpatriotic origins of the Lyons silk used in the wedding dress.
  17. Therefore, the policy of the Attlee government towards the Indian native states shows that it did not intend to separate India.
  18. The policy of the Attlee government towards the Indian native states was an important aspect of its policy towards India during the period of transfer of power.
  19. Mr. Attlee made a searching point.
  20. Did you vote Attlee

Attlee 单语例句

  1. Few would queue for a chance to see a replica table of the one once found in Attlee's breakfast room.

Attlee ['ætli]

艾德礼(Clement Richard, 1883-1967, 英国政治家, 于1945-1951任英国首相)
n. British statesman and leader of the Labour Party who instituted the welfare state in Britain (1883-1967)