Atlantis是什么意思 Atlantis在线中文翻译

Atlantis 英 [ætˈlæntɪs] 美 [ætˈlæntɪs]

Atlantis 词典解释


Atlantis 网络解释

  1. 亚特兰提斯
    ...获得五项法国凯萨大奖、法国音乐大奖最佳音乐、瑞士卢卡诺最受观众欢迎奖. 法国导演卢贝松的<<亚特兰提斯>>(Atlantis) 为法国海底生态纪录片奠下了人文基础 盖上诗意的风格标记...
  2. 寻找亚特兰提斯
    ...载地址:空中打击(Platypus) 下载地址:天外魔境真传(Kabuki Klash) 下载地址:面包忍者(Ninjabread Man) 下载地址:奇异管道(TubeTwist) 下载地址:珠宝神殿(Temple of Jewels) 下载地址:寻找亚特兰提斯(Atlantis) 下载地址:音速战...

Atlantis 双语例句

  1. One day eyes have 7:30, Chen Dang haphazard some breakfast and went into the game, Dragon City, two places left edge of the field (west of Atlantis, the ice of the north valley) did not go, but now it is not suitable for this state...
  2. Eyes open the next day already 7:30, Chen Dang haphazard some breakfast and went into the game, Dragon City, two places left edge of the field (west of the Atlantis, the ice of the north Valley) did not go, but now it is not suitable for this state...
  3. The north coast of Atlantis was not turned to dust in the nuclear annihilation at the end of this era; but instead those in this region lived through severe depression and then the insanity that follows a rapid decline of DNA due to exposure to radioactive dust.
  4. Space shuttle Atlantis is on its way to the Hubble Space T elescope. It's NASA's final trip to Hubble and comes after a seven-month delay.
    亚特兰大号航天飞机正飞向哈勃太空望远镜,这是 NASA 的最后一次哈勃之行,这次旅行被延迟了七个月。
  5. Could it be that beneath the surface of Lake Titicaca, there lies the lost city of Atlantis?
  6. Space shuttle Atlantis'11-day missionis the final shuttle flight to NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
  7. They are preparing to enter space shuttle Atlantis through the open hatch in the background.
  8. He wrote about this land called Atlantis in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, around
  9. Teyla: Do you not need every able body, to help defend Atlantis?
  10. The crew of Atlantis captured the Hubble telescope with a robotic arm, 560 kilometers above Australia.
  11. Astronaut Megan McArthur liberated the telescope from Atlantis'robotic arm at 0857 EDT (1357 BST), marking the last time Hubble will be seen by human eyes.
    美国东部时间08:57,宇航员 Megan McArthur将哈勃望远镜从航天飞机亚特兰蒂斯的机械臂上解开,标志着最后一次哈勃被人们亲眼观看。
  12. Lara remembers the time Natla said she'll find another remant of Atlantis.
  13. Lost Atlantis》will bring out one of the Seven Sins, the Greedy BOSS monster「Mamen」and Sallen, Ancient Robot, Giant snake etc BOSS monsters, and 11 types of ordinary monsters will be released accordingly to become the biggest obstacle in the《Lost Atlantis》.
    同时,赛伦、古代机械人、巨蛇等 BOSS 怪,以及 11 种类型的一般怪物,都会陆续出现,成为玩家在《秘海神话》中最大阻碍。
  14. NASA says it's not too concerned. Atlantis is on the way to the International Space Station.
  15. At that time we fell into such great dissonance and were so greatly angered at those in Atlantis that we chose to detonate a large nuclear bomb during the annual congressional meeting in a key Alantean city.
  16. Thankfully, though, the schmaltz factor is kept to a minimum, making Hearts in Atlantis a heartfelt coming-of-age drama.
  17. Lemuria became a favored vacationland for those of Atlantis in the height of their era.
  18. Earth has discerned that the karma for this patient was directly related to a combustion in Atlantis in the mineral pyramids, and that they were embodying mineral grid work in their ascension to such a degree that it created such inflexibility that they could no longer bend over.
  19. Humanity would remember what happened in Atlantis and what will occur in their time line.
  20. Space shuttle Atlantis is shown suspended from a sling in the Mate-DeMate Device at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center during preparations for its ferry flight back tothe Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Atlantis 单语例句

  1. We are lucky to get a taste of the good life at the Atlantis before the film premieres in October.
  2. It was not immediately clear when NASA might try again to send Atlantis to the international space station.
  3. Atlantis has reportedly invested $ 50 million in the development, design and marketing of its system.
  4. " There is a very low risk because our orbits are quite different, " Atlantis Commander Frick said.
  5. A French Air Force general will fly up on Atlantis and take his place.
  6. Atlantis carries a crew of six astronauts on a supply mission to the International Space Station.
  7. Then they walked under Atlantis to inspect the shuttle's heat shield.
  8. Atlantis is to carry seven astronauts on NASA's last repair mission for the popular Hubble telescope.
  9. Atlantis was supposed to lift off in September, but that mission is now on indefinite hold.
  10. Atlantis helped the station maintain its orientation for several days until the computers were revived.

Atlantis [әt'læntis]

n. 亚特兰蒂斯(传说沉没于大西洋的岛屿)
n. according to legend, an island in the Atlantic Ocean that Plato said was swallowed by an earthquake