Antilles是什么意思 Antilles在线中文翻译

Antilles 英 [ænˈtili:z] 美 [ænˈtɪliz]

Antilles 词典解释


Antilles 网络解释

  1. 安的列斯群岛
    ...其它地名要令人高兴的多,安的列斯群岛(Antilles)中的特立尼达岛(Trinidad,)、安提瓜岛(Antigua)和蒙特塞拉特岛(Montserrat)令人回忆起宗教的神秘,哥伦布的祈祷和誓约;格拉西亚斯-阿迪奥斯角(Cape Gracias-a-Dios,...
  2. 安的列斯
    ...这个时代的财富都是由荷兰东印度公司(Dutch East India Company)一手争取回来,该公司派船前往远东寻找香料和奇珍异宝,把好望角、印度尼西亚、苏里南、安的列斯(Antilles)和新阿姆斯特丹(今天的纽约)划其殖民地,并在整个亚洲建立了贸易驿站....
  3. 安德烈斯群岛公司
    ...1. Anlantic Jazz 大西洋公司 | 2. Antilles 安德烈斯群岛公司 | 3. Axiom 格言公司...
  4. 安的列斯群岛(西印度群岛中的主要岛群)
    ...Antillean || 安替列群岛 | Antilles || 安的列斯群岛(西印度群岛中的主要岛群) | antillitter || 反对乱抛垃圾的...

Antilles 双语例句

  1. But a large number of certificates ended up in the hands of Somal, a Netherlands Antilles subsidiary of Julius Meinl AG, a Liechtenstein trust founded by the family.
  2. Al - Gosaibis. Saad has several subsidiaries, including Lombard Atlantic Bank in the Netherlands Antilles, and through his Saad Investments Company he has stakes in Bahrain's Awal Bank Awal Bank, the UK's Berkeley Group and Bank of China.
  3. Cancun is located on the Yucatan Channel that separates Mexico from the island of Cuba in the Greater Antilles.
  4. In the resulting power vaccuum, several other senators are nominated to succeed Valorum, including Bail Antilles of Alderaan, who is a separate politician and not intended to be the same character as Bail Organa.
  5. After the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn five years after the Battle of Endor, Antilles agreed to accept the rank of general under the condition that he could still lead Rogue Squadron.
  6. Behind the stick of an X-wing, there are few who could outfly Wedge Antilles, yet he was content to take a back seat to some of the more famous heroes of the Galactic Civil War.
  7. Wedge Antilles: I'll going in!
  8. A survivor if ever there was one, Wedge Antilles has lived through some of the Rebellion's most important battles against the Empire.
  9. Wedge Antilles participated in a New Republic raid on the Boudolayz archives, trying to find information on the admiral.
  10. The role of Captain Antilles was originally offered to Denis Lawson, who played Wedge Antilles in the original trilogy.
  11. Janson and Wedge Antilles had perfected their coordination as gunner and pilot during the Battle of Hoth.
  12. Wedge Antilles retired from Rogue Squadron when peace between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant was achieved.
  13. The Caribbean islands, which lie just beyond the tail end of the Windward Antilles, are a study in contrasts.
  14. British Virgin Islands as Yiwanliumei, separated from the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean, located 60 km east of Puerto Rico, India and northwest section of 180 km, Netherlands Antilles is a part of.
  15. The capital of the Netherlands Antilles, on the southern coast of Cura鏰o.
  16. It is licensed out of Curacao in the Netherland Antilles.
  17. In the Netherlands Antilles than to square with the Plaza or on the road to the palace, filled with art, behind the Royal Palace a vast collection of valuable paintings Prado Museum Unique in form of Castile Plaza, the Spanish people feel the most unique art and cultural style.
  18. A island in the Netherlands Antilles that is the top of an extinct volcano.
  19. Little did Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles realized that when they destroyed the Death Star, they saved the galaxy not only from the Empire, but from IG-88 as well.
  20. A group of islands in the Lesser Antilles just north of Venezuela that are administered by The Netherlands.

Antilles 单语例句

  1. The plane stopped in the Dutch Antilles island of Curacao for a stopover before heading to Brazil.
  2. India's desperate hockey performances continued as it lost for the second time this week to Netherlands Antilles.
  3. The men were captured in January 2009 after attacking a cargo ship registered in the Dutch Antilles.

Antilles [æn'tili:z]

n. 安的列斯群岛
n. a group of islands in the West Indies