AnCC是什么意思 AnCC在线中文翻译


AnCC 词典解释


AnCC 双语例句

  1. About 40 species in South East Asia, Polynesia and Africa. Imported from all over South East Asia and New Guinea, and amounting to 1% and ranks in the 8th place among Tropical Asian logs (investigated by ANCC in 1979).Imported without mixture from west Kalimantan and Sumatra, generally small in diameter. But logs from New Guinea rather large in diameter and called Milky pine, but unrelated to pines.
    此属近40种﹐广泛分布於东南亚、波里尼西亚及非洲﹐现进口者几乎皆由东南亚与新几内亚地区﹐该原木畜积量丰富﹐西加里曼丹与苏门答腊地区且常呈纯生林分布﹐有般皆为中、小径木﹐但新几内亚出产者直径较其他地区为大﹐该地称其为Milky pine,但事实上与真正松木不相关。

AnCC 单语例句

  1. The managing deputy director of ANCC went on to become the chief executive officer of EPCglobal China.


abbr. anodal closure contraction 阳极闭合(通电)收缩