Aldebaran是什么意思 Aldebaran在线中文翻译

Aldebaran 英 [ælˈdebərən] 美 [ælˈdɛbərən]

Aldebaran 网络解释

  1. 毕宿五
    ...位在天狼星左上方的是南河三 (Procyon),它是 小犬座 (Canis Minor) 最亮的星. 右上方 V 字形的黄色群星是 金牛座 (Taurus) 的一部份,其中最显眼的是红巨星 毕宿五 (Aldebaran). 翻译:天文实验室 (成功大学 物理学系 ;苏汉宗)...
  2. 阿鲁迪巴
    ...1966年05月08日 金牛座(Taurus)黄金圣斗士 阿鲁迪巴(Aldebaran)出生. 1966年08月16日 狮子座(Leo)黄金圣斗士 艾欧里亚(Aiolia)出生. 1966年09月19日 处女座(Virgo)黄金圣斗士 沙加(Shaka)出生. 1966年11月08日 天蝎座(Scorpius)黄金圣斗士 米罗(Milo)出生....
  3. 亚尔迪
    ...简介 亚尔迪巴朗,日本 动画片<<圣斗士>>中人物 相关条目 金牛座.亚尔迪巴朗(Aldebaran) 年龄:20 身高:210cm 体重:130kg 生日:5月8日 血型:B型 出身地:巴西 修业地...人物资料 姓名:阿鲁迪巴 / 亚尔迪(Aldebaran) 隶属:金牛座黄金...
  4. 金牛座
    ...1966年05月08日 黄金圣斗士(Taurus)金牛座(Aldebaran)阿鲁迪巴出生. 1966年08月16日 黄金圣斗士(Leo)狮子座(Aiolia)艾欧里亚出生. 1966年09月19日 黄金圣斗士(Virgo)处女座(Shaka)沙加出生. 1966年11月08日 黄金圣斗士(Scorpius)天蝎座(Milo)米罗出生....

Aldebaran 双语例句

  1. The names of such stars as Algol, Aldebaran and Bootes preserve the traces of Arab conquests in the sky.
  2. I confessed that I did not know which Aldebaran was—indeed, I had never even noticed that the stars were of different colours.
  3. It`s easy to overlook Aldebaran in this scene, but this star is the brightest one in Taurus.
  4. We earthings are fascinated by Mars, and might tend to overlook Aldebaran in tomorrow`s morning scene.
  5. You know Aldebaran is not a true member of the Hyades cluster because – at 65 light-years – it is so much closer to us.
  6. Say, will you look at Aldebaran!
  7. He, I remember, they call him Aldebaran, said mildly.
  8. The first man, I remember, they call him Aldebaran, said mildly.
  9. We stayed in Aldebaran last April for three nights and then another night in May on our trip to Europe.
  10. This evening, you may be able to make out Aldebaran, Taurus` brighteststar, to the moon`s lower right, and Elnath, Taurus` second brighteststar, to the lower left.
  11. But Mars is just a little nearby hunk of rock in our own solar system – while Aldebaran is a mighty star, located about 65-light years away.
  12. The red of Aldebaran is typical of the lower surface temperature of an older star, whereas the blue of the Pleiades reveals their high surface temperature and young age.
  13. This paper gives the circumstances of lunar occultations of Spica, Antares, Aldebaran and Regulus for 33 main cities of China in the period 2000-2015.
  14. Man suffers, that is quite possible; but look at Aldebaran rising!
  15. I confessed that I did not know which Aldebaran was & indeed, I had never even noticed that the stars were of different colours.
  16. If it were worth the while to settle in those parts near to the Pleiades or the Hyades, to Aldebaran or Altair, then I was really there, or at an equal remoteness from the life which I had left behind, dwindled and twinkling with as fine a ray to my nearest neighbor, and to be seen only in moonless nights by him.
  17. If it were worth the while to settle in those parts near to the Pleiades or the Hyades, to Aldebaran or Altair, (7) then I was really there, or at an equal remoteness from the life which I had left behind, dwindled and twinkling with as fine a ray to my nearest neighbor, and to be seen only in moonless nights by him.

Aldebaran [æl'debәrәn]

n. [天] 毕宿五(金牛座中的一等星)
n the brightest star in Taurus