Aeschylus是什么意思 Aeschylus在线中文翻译

Aeschylus 英 [ˈeskələs, ˈi:skə-] 美 [ˈɛskələs, ˈiskə-]

Aeschylus 网络解释

  1. 埃斯库罗斯
    ...200 1 $a 希腊悲剧之父 $h . 全集I $e : 阿伽门农、奠酒人、和善女神 $f / 埃斯库罗斯(Aeschylus)著 $g 张炽恒译...
  2. 艾思奇利斯
    ...莎士比亚最伟大的天才表现在他的悲剧上. 从某个角度而言,莎士比亚为当时最成功,最富商业价值的剧作家. 他亦跟古希望三大悲剧家艾思奇利斯(Aeschylus)、索福克里斯(Sophocles)及幼里匹蒂斯(Euripides)合称戏剧史上四大悲剧家....
  3. 艾斯奇勒斯
  4. 埃司库洛斯
    ...Acrothoum 阿克罗托昂 | Aeschylus 埃司库洛斯 | Adicran 阿地克兰...

Aeschylus 双语例句

  1. This newspaper, writing a week after his suicide, described the tragedy as one worthy of Aeschylus or Sophocles.
  2. The student may read Homer or AEschylus in the Greek without danger of dissipation or luxuriousness, for it implies that he in some measure emulate their heroes, and consecrate morning hours to their pages.
  3. Let me put them into the mouths of the eulogists of injustice: They will tell you that the just man who is thought unjust will be scourged, racked, bound--will have his eyes burnt out; and, at last, after suffering every kind of evil, he will be impaled: Then he will understand that he ought to seem only, and not to be, just; the words of Aeschylus may be more truly spoken of the unjust than of the just.
  4. Aeschylus, the earliest of the great Attic tragedians, presented his Oresteia at Athens` City Dionysia festival in 458 BCE.
  5. His translations of Euripides` Trojan Women and Aeschylus` Oresteia were performed at Epidaurus, in 1979 and 1980 respectively, by the Theatro Technis under the direction of Karolos Koun.
  6. When Aeschylus told the story, he did so with an eye to the ethical issues associated with a blood feud.
  7. I do not know what the loftiest level of literary achievement is: neither did Aeschylus or Shakespeare; neither does Miss Sayers.
  8. In considering the extraordinary boldness with which Aeschylus places the Olympian world on his scales of justice, we must remember that the profound Greek had an absolutely stable basis of metaphysical thought in his mystery cults and that he was free to discharge all his skeptical velleities on the Olympians.
  9. From such a surplus the Parthenon and the Propylaea were built, the sculptures of Pheidias paid for, and the festivals celebrated, for which AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes composed their dramas.
  10. Alexandrine, another writing style, is also derived from Aeschylus'verse.
  11. First of all, we argue that Aeschylus as the creator of Greek tragedy whose play is an extension and development of archaic Greek lyric.
  12. For example, forty years ago a survey of the early Greek dramatist Aeschylus'plays would have started with The Suppliant Women.
  13. The fragment announced that Aeschylus won first prize with his Danaid tetralogy, of which The Suppliant Women is the opening play, and defeated Sophocles in the process.
  14. The fragment announced that Aeschylus won first prize with his Danaid tetralogy, of which The Suppliant Women is the opening play, defeated Sophocles in the process.
  15. He had lost the sense of what the Chorus was in the hands of the great masters, say in the Bacchae or the Eumenides. He mistakes, again, the use of that epiphany of a God which is frequent at the end of the single plays of Euripides, and which seems to have been equally so at the end of the trilogies of Aeschylus. Having lost the living tradition, he sees neither the ritual origin nor the dramatic value of these divine epiphanies. He thinks of the convenient gods and abstractions who sometimes spoke the prologues of the New Comedy, and imagines that the God appears in order to unravel the plot. As a matter of fact, in one play which he often quotes, the _Iphigenia Taurica_, the plot is actually distorted at the very end in order to give an opportunity for the epiphany.
  16. Of or relating to or in the manner of Aeschylus.
  17. In war, truth is the first casualty – Aeschylus
  18. A people'; s voice is dangerous when charged with wrath -- Aeschylus
  19. In war, truth is the first casualty -Aeschylus
  20. The decision was given by a show of hands aeschylus, the suppliants or by acclamation.

Aeschylus ['i:skiləs]

n. 埃斯库罗斯(希腊的诗人及悲剧作家)
n. Greek tragedian; the father of Greek tragic drama (525-456 BC)