Abt system是什么意思 Abt system在线中文翻译

Abt system

Abt system 双语例句

  1. Et May reach to 98.462% and 81.429% by the ABT solution of 150 mg/kg, and it also has a positive function to the plant height growth, biomass accumulation and root system.
  2. To allow the driver to handle also critical driving situations without any problems, an Abt sports brake system is also being prepared for the A3, with steel flex brake lines which protect against damage by stones or other outside elements.
  3. The effect of application ABT root-developed powder to the leaf surface in late growth stage on the root system and photosynthetic properties of leaf were investigated under field condition.
    王福青 ,韩广清,陶世蓉在田间栽培条件下,研究花生结荚后期叶面喷施ABT生根粉对促进花生后期根系活力及叶片光合性能的作用。
  4. Under frame culture and field condition the experiments were conducted in 1992 to study on effect of ABT-5 growth regulater applied with seed soaking and foliage spray on agronomic character and content of endogenous hormones in sugarbeet blade and root system.

Abt system

n. 艾伯特式
Abt system


structure: 结构
system: 系统
heritage: 遗产