AVB是什么意思 AVB在线中文翻译


AVB 网络解释

  1. 房室传导阻滞
    ...1.2 房室传导阻滞(AVB) 一度AVB本身不发生晕厥,二度、三度持续性或阵发性AVB都可以引起晕厥. 尤其是AVB无适当频率的逸搏心律出现时,由于心排量骤降,导致脑血流量下降而发生晕厥. 这些通过常规或动态心电图都可以明确诊断....
  2. 飞机后勤补给舰
    ...ATS: 營救與打撈船 | AVB: 飛機後勤補給艦 | AVT: 輔助航空登陸訓練艦...
  3. 初榨鳄梨油
    ...初榨鳄梨油avb | 精制鳄梨油avr | 精制琉璃苣油bour...
  4. abbr. av conduction block; 房室传导阻滞
  5. abbr. analog video bandwidth; 模拟视频带宽

AVB 双语例句

  1. METHODS: Twenty-eight fetuses with AVB were evaluated by fetal magnetocardiography; 21 fetuses were evaluated serially.
  2. There can be no shutoff valves downstream of an AVB.
  3. Methods:Three patients were recor de d by 12-leads ECG andHolter as having ST segment elevation and proceding thr ee-degree AVB.
  4. Fetuses with structural cardiac disease and 3 degrees AVB exhibited largely monotonous heart rate and rhythm patterns and poor prognosis.
  5. Heart temporary pace making was the first choice suitable to acutemyocarditis with Ⅲ° AVB and A-S syndrome.
  6. Heart temporary pace making was the first choice suitable to acute myocarditis with Ⅲ° AVB and A-S syndrome.
    心脏临时起搏器应用的首选适应证为急性心肌炎引起的Ⅲ° AVB伴阿-斯综合征发作,应掌握好起搏器使用的注意事项,使患儿度过危险期得以生存。
  7. Most are from the catalog of the Wallace collection in London; three are from Cut and Thrust Weapons by Eduard Wagner and 3 are from Treasures From the Tower of London, a catalog compiled by AVB Norman and GM Wilson.
  8. Second-degree AVB, isolated 3 degrees AVB, and 3 degrees AVB associated with structural cardiac disease manifest distinctly different electrophysiological characteristics and outcome.
  9. Arrhythmias included second degree atrioventricular block in 3 patients, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia in 3 patients and frequent ventricular premature beat in 3 patients. Cardiac syncope occurred in 2 patients with Ⅱ°AVB and in a patient with VT. Significant coronary stenosis related to ischemia occurred in 5 patients, and coronary artery was normal in 1 patient.
  10. Methods and Results— Between 2003 and 2007, 31 high-risk AS patients were treated with AVB surgery.
  11. Conclusions— AVB surgery is an important therapeutic option for high-risk patients with symptomatic AS.
  12. We have performed AVB surgery as an alternative to conventional aortic valve replacement for high-risk AS patients.
  13. Delayed recovery of late AVB may be related to the disappearance of local tissue edema and cell regeneration.
  14. BACKGROUND: The electrophysiological characteristics of congenital AVB before birth have not been extensively studied, yet the mortality from this disease is substantial.
  15. Background— Aortic valve bypass (AVB; apicoaortic conduit) surgery relieves aortic stenosis by shunting blood from the apex of the left ventricle to the descending thoracic aorta through a valved conduit.
  16. The strength in different implantation positions of AVB was significantly greater than that of the intact vertebrae. The bending and flexion stress of the posterior implantation was the greatest, 1.5-1.9 times of the intact vertebrae.
  17. Comparative study for purkinje cells in different parts of the atrioventricular bundle (AVB) of rat heart The Relationship of Atrial Expansion and P Wave Dispersion
  18. Complete atrioventricular block (ⅲ° AVB) with atrioventricular node rhythm was found in 1 case, and complete right branch bundle block (CRBBB) in another one.
  19. Left ventricular hypertrophy, left bundle branch block (LBBB), right bundle block (RBBB) and auriculoventricular block (AVB) were highly recommended to diagnose hypertensive heart disease and coronary heart disease.
  20. Fetuses with structural cardiac disease and3 degrees AVB exhibited largely monotonous heart rate and rhythm patterns and poor prognosis.


abbr. Avionics Bulletin 《航空电子学通报》(期刊)