the Civil War是什么意思 the Civil War在线中文翻译

the Civil War

the Civil War 网络解释

  1. (美国)内战
    ...Harriet Tubman 哈丽特.塔布曼 | the Civil War (美国)内战 | moulder vi.腐朽;崩碎 vt.使腐朽;使崩碎...
  2. (美国)南北战争
    ...Bettie Van Metre贝蒂. 范. 米特 | the Civil War(美国)南北战争 | Gettysburg葛底斯堡(美国城市)...

the Civil War 双语例句

  1. Chronic corruption and incompetence in government turned many against the authorities in the civil war.
  2. In a twenty year civil war, Tapani, the lord of House Melantha, waged a war against the other Noble Houses, which were then independent kingdoms.
  3. The victor of a late 16th-century civil war was the shogun of Edo, which became Tokyo, the imperial capital.
  4. During the crisis that, more than any other, threatened the very existence of the American union — the Civil War — Abraham Lincoln wrote perhaps the most eloquent and memorable of all presidential messages sent to Congress.
  5. In the current trend of economic globalization, international investment is developing in high speed. Policitcal risk has become one of the problems that oversea investors concern foremost. These political risks include risk of levy, restriction on currency exchange, war and civil commotion, government`s breach of faith, payment delay.
  6. After the American Civil War (1861 -1865), some fears were expressed that the US might attempt to annex Canadian territory, and in 1867, four of the eastern provinces of Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec and Nova Scotia became the self- governing Dominion of Canada. In 1869, the Northwest Territory, which had belonged to the Hudson's Bay Company, was bought by the government; and other provinces later joined the dominion. In 1999, Canada consisted of ten provinces, and three territories.
  7. The Taiwan issue is China's civil war legacy.
  8. From here the anti-an armed uprising, to the Republic of China's endless warlordism, civil war.
  9. There are also particular instances where the buyer may wish to obtain even more protection than is available under Institute Clause A, for example insurance against war, riots, civil commotion, strikes or other labour disturbances.
    这个是同样特别的实例当买家可能希望获得仅比 A 条目可用的更多的保护,例如对於战争、暴乱、暴动,罢工或其他劳工滋扰保险。
  10. The 84-year-old retired General Huang Shih-chung said both sides must remember the cost of the civil war.
  11. What else do you know about Vicksburg, Grant, or the many conflicts of the American Civil War?
  12. This week in our series, we continue our story of the Civil War with the Battle of Vicksburg.
  13. In its present form, Tengwang Pavilion was reconstructed in the 1980s after being destroyed in 1929 during the Chinese Civil War.
  14. At last this article would narrate how did the Republic of China Government adjust and develop its Taiwan's Indigenous Peoples'policy when it removing comprehensively to Taiwan in the Chinese civil war and at the time the East Asian cold war structure formed.
  15. The civil war set brother against brother.
  16. He pointed out the protracted character of the Chinese revolution, and criticized the narrow-minded closed-doorism and overhastiness with regard to the revolution which had long existed in the Party and which were the basic cause of the serious setbacks of the Party and the Red Army during the Second Revolutionary Civil War.
  17. This war was a direct confrontation with the technologically sophisticated US military, so the front line could not rely on taking its supplies from the enemy, as it did in the civil war, and it was totally reliant on supplies sent from home; hence the need for a reliable logistics support system.
  18. Heriberto Schoeffer, an independent film producer in Los Angeles and a member of Opus Dei, said he first conceived of a film dramatizing the life of Escriva after reading a book about his escape over the Pyrenees during the Spanish Civil War.
  19. The Judahites respected God's word and obeyed Him in order to prevent civil war.
  20. Not only is this the established practice in all wars, it is particularly imperative in order to avert civil war.

the Civil War 单语例句

  1. After the war China was plunged into a civil war and the firm's business remained sluggish.
  2. The names are a roll call of history, especially the history of China's civil war that produced New China in 1949.
  3. Sporting success is an impossible dream for most people in Cambodia, where poverty and the scars of civil war are part of daily life.
  4. The chaotic situation in Syria now bears every emblem of a civil war, and its clashes with Turkey are tantamount to pouring oil on the fire.
  5. The Bush administration has been reluctant to characterize the sectarian violence in Iraq as a civil war.
  6. This American national holiday began after the Civil War and honors deceased soldiers on the last Monday in May.
  7. The historical significance of this righteous action is entirely comparable to the emancipation of the slaves in the American civil war.
  8. Many of my generation remember growing up at the height of the Cold War, hiding under desks during civil defense drills in case the communists attacked us.
  9. He may have inflicted civilian casualties in his offensives against the rebels, as in the case of any civil war in any country.
  10. Scholars called it the first piracy case to go to trial since the Civil War, when a New York jury deadlocked on charges against 13 Southern privateers.

the Civil War

na. (1642~1649年的)查理一世与议会的战争
[网络] 南北战争;美国内战;美国内战史
the Civil War


battle: 侧重指战争中的一次较全面、时间较长的战斗,也指陆军或海军在某一特定地区进行的战斗,或个人之间的争斗。
fight: 最普通用词,含义广,指战斗、斗争或打斗。
struggle: 指激烈或时间持续长的战斗或奋力斗争。
combat: 泛指军事行动,尤指小规模的战斗,甚至是格斗。
campaign: 通常指在一场大的战争中在某一地区进行的一连串有既定目的的军事行动。也可作引申用。
warfare: 侧重指战争状态或具体的作战方法。
war: 是战争的总称,一般指包括多个战役的大规模战争。
engagement: 指交战,交火。

polite: 普通常用词,指言论举止无论何时均严谨有礼,很有教养。
civil: 语气弱于polite,着重只达到社交的一般要求,避免粗鲁。
courteous: 指言谈举止典雅,谦恭有礼,更侧重考虑他人的感情与尊严。