student contract是什么意思 student contract在线中文翻译

student contract

student contract 双语例句

  1. Educational finance system with sharecropping will be revolutionary change for the current finance contract, and it is possible to balance the cost-profit-risk between bank and student radically.
  2. Our school cooperates with your school, has ever gone to your school to study before this, our school has students who want to go to your school to study in to take an advanced study now, and we want to recommend more students to apply for your school, create more good chances for our students, enable students to accept better education, I wonder, can become enrollment of your school represent, until your school contract and receive mandate of you again, introduce your school in order to a fine one to student, hope, can have more outstanding China students go to your school to take an advanced study.
  3. The Student is advised not to make payment before signing the Standard PEI-Student Contract and not to pay any fee diectly to other parties (including agents and partner organizations) other than the School's Escrow bank.
  4. At present, the phenomenon of the trustworthiness imperfection at university campus is very outstanding. Examination fraud, plagiarization of papers, concoction of the job application data, no return of student loan according to the date, and graduates'breaking contract occur usually.
  5. With the help of friends in the student union, Pan got hold of a list of companies likely to bid for the contract.. Pretending to be a customer, he called each firm and asked what would be their basic price for manufacturing the uniforms.
  6. Straight away can operate, very profitable, student can, sponser availible..must be fast, $2650 per month for 24 months contract.
    开放公寓式餐厅,学生,陪读妈妈都接受,但必须抓紧时间。2650 每月。
  7. The lack of security tools has led to high breach rate of contract, and high rate of nonperforming loan. The credit risk is a major risk and also a major factor to the healthy development of national student loan program.
  8. Therefore to improve the quality of teaching, improve teaching method, overcome and the default of traditional system of appraising student's performance, it is necessary to explore and study the application and contract practice of Delamination Teaching Theory in Middling Health School teaching.
  9. This kind of relationship should not be differently treated according to different school ownership and not exclude the legal contract between the school and the student or the guardian.
  10. Student-university contract claims pertaining to academic matters arise primarily from the following sources: quality of teaching and education, grading and academic evaluations, change in academic requirements, and interpretations of academic requirements.
  11. She negotiated a new labor contract that measures teacher success based in part on student performance.
  12. Furthermore, it brings the dissension on right and obligation between the student and university in modern open education into contract dissension. Thus the dissension can be solved fast, and their legal rights be protected.
  13. Discussion on the Relationship between the Student and University in Modern Open Education from the Angle of Contract
  14. According to national and the Shanghai Municipal government's related stipulation, the Shanghai area graduates the university graduate to start an undertaking may enjoy the free risk assessment, free policy training, the free loan guarantee and the partial taxes and fees reduces four preferential policies, includes specifically: The university graduates (including junior college, university undergraduate course, graduate student) are engaged in the individual management, gets up from the authorized management date, in 1 year exempts pays the individual operator the registration registry fee, the individual operator management fee, the economic contract demonstration text production cost and so on.
  15. The Shanghai univeity students'innovative undertaking preferential benefit many 1, the university graduate starts an undertaking four preferential policy basis country and the Shanghai Municipal government's related stipulation, Haiti area graduates the university graduate to start an undertaking may enjoy the free risk assessment, free policy training, the free loan guarantee and the partial taxes and fees reduces four preferential policies, includes specifically: The university graduates (including junior college, university undergraduate course, graduate student) are engaged in the individual management, gets up from the authorized management date, in 1 year exempts pays the individual operator the registration registry fee, the individual operator management fee, the economic contract demonstration text production cost and so on.
  16. You will be required to enter into a Standard Student Contract for admission into our Course.
  17. A one-hour detention and an in-school interview with parents is arranged between parents/student and attendance officer. Student and parents may be placed on contract with the school.
  18. Identification and Assessment of Students with Special Needs Student and parents will be placed on contract with school where further disciplinary action will be outlined, including the possible failure of credit.
  19. It is necessary to make the relationship on law between student and school clear to study AR of the RRE, which can be indicated by the theory of " Special power relation " and " Educational contract relation ".
  20. The PEI Student Contract clearly states the fees and policies related to the PEI's programmes.

student contract 单语例句

  1. The student called police, but failed to get the wages she was owed because she hadn't signed a contract.
  2. These include the work contract, work permit or the proof of one's status as student.
  3. The former student said the contract was for a job at a local company which did not exist and carried the signature of his tutor.

student contract

student contract


student: 普通用词,可指中学生,但主要指高等学校或专科学校的学生。
learner: 通俗用词,指某一门学问上的初学者,尤指成年的初学者。
pupil: 特指中小学生,尤其是小学生。
scholar: 可指一切学生,尤指学识渊博的某一学科的学者。

abstract: vt 抽取;
subtract: vt 减去
contract: vt 使缩小(招致,染上(疾病等));
attract: vt 吸引;

agreement: 普通用词,含义最确定,泛指个人、团体或国家之间取得一致而达成的任何协议、协定或合同、契约等,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。
contract: 侧重指双方或多方订立的具有法律效力的正式的书面合同或契约。
treaty: 指国家之间经外交谈判后依照国际法签订的正式条约。
convention: 比treaty更专门化,但不及treaty正式。也可指国家之间就有关事情签订的条约。
bargain: 通常指商业交往中的购销合同。
understanding: 指不具约束力的非正式的协议。
accord: 多指国际间的非正式协议。

compress: 指把乱而不成形的东西压成一定形状。
contract: 主要指以内、外部力量进行紧缩,也可用作引申。
shrink: 侧重指因收缩而达不到原有的长度、体积或容积。
condense: 指将东西压缩得更紧密、紧凑,但不失去原有的内容。