strut member是什么意思 strut member在线中文翻译

strut member

strut member 双语例句

  1. The invention discloses an inertia sensor character regulating equipment, it is composed of suspension structure and tiny plating structure, the suspension can be produced by using the element of a surface machining technology of sacrificial layer technology, or the microbody machining technology arranged with film technics. The one end of the suspension structure is fixed on a strut member, and the other end is in hovering condition, and moulding tiny plating structure on this end by tiny plating technics, the plating structure is looked as inertia mass block of inertia sensor, the size of it can be changed by tiny plating technics, so the sensor is suitable to different grades sensing, and achieve the High Aspect-Ratio efficacy of lateral sensing or driving signal setting in tiny structure because of the excellence of metallic material in technics.
    本发明公开了一种惯性传感器性能调整装置,由悬浮结构与微电镀结构组成,该悬浮结构可利用牺牲层技术的微面型加工技术,或微体型加工技术配上薄膜工艺制作而成,该悬浮结构的一端固设于一支撑件上,使该悬浮结构的另一端呈悬浮状态,通过微电镀工艺于悬浮结构的呈悬浮状态的一端成型微电镀结构,作为惯性传感器的惯性质量块,通过微电镀工艺可改变微电镀结构大小,使惯性传感器适用于不同等级的感测,并且利用工艺上所选用材料为金属的优点,来实现深宽比高(High Aspect-Ratio)的微小结构中侧向感测或驱动讯号设置的功效。
  2. Cable and strut tension structure is a flexible assembly formed with the flexible member pretension. Based on the form-finding, non-linear structural analysis, nodal flexibility, kinematically and indeterminate analysis, the overall flexible performance can be evaluated accordingly for the tension structures.
  3. The strut-and-tie model is changing constantly, resulting that the internal force in member, the angles between members and support reactions are characterized as a function of the distance from the moving load to the end of deep beam.
  4. To gather many existences logics for strut about of person in Middle East's from their souls inside clearance want to let these places which have no good member depletion body.
  5. As a kind of pre-stressed structures, the most important factor of the deviation of the initial shape and initial pre-tension of cable-strut tensile structures is the member length error (cable length error and strut length error, hereinafter referred to as " length error ").

strut member

strut member


pace: 指踱步,走步。
stroll: 多指走走停停,步子缓慢,悠闲自得,漫无目的。
strut: 指大摇大摆地走,含过分自信或自高自大意味。
stride: 着重步子大而且节奏有力,流露出匆忙、烦恼、得意等情绪。
walk: 最常用词,中性词,指除跑、跳之外所有移步的动作。