red arsenic是什么意思 red arsenic在线中文翻译

red arsenic

red arsenic 双语例句

  1. For example, white stains have MgO, hydrotalcid, alumian, containingborates calcium、dionide, zinc oxide, arsenic, antimony oxide, silver, cerium compounds; red stains have basic lead chromate, lead kind of uranium yellow and oxymatrine of lead uranium, uranium, ND salt Cassius A50, red iron oxide and molysite CD、CU、se reaumuria, electrolyic, MN, and so on.
  2. 2 The analysis step by 25.0mL sample lixivium, moved in the direction of arsenic in the bottle, plus 10 ml of hydrochloric acid and 10 ml of potassium iodide solution and 5 drop acid stannochlor solution, shake the place 10min, together with 2 g of arsenic-free zinc metal, immediately mounted a good lead acetate paper turns red cotton and mercury bromide from log that arsenic tube placed in the 25-38, f μh of the dark side, remove the test strip and standard mercury bromide a color not deeper than standard.
    7.2 分析步骤取25.0mL样品浸泡液,移入测砷瓶中,加5mL盐酸、5mL碘化钾溶液及5滴酸性氯化亚锡溶液,摇匀后放置10min,加2g无砷金属锌,立即将已装好乙酸铅棉花及溴化汞试纸的测砷管装上,放置于25~30℃的暗处1h,取出溴化汞试纸和标准比较,其色斑不得深于标准。
  3. The present study has investigated biological effects of arsenic on clay pan yellow cinnamon soil, red soils (with high fertility and low fertility) and paddy soil.
  4. I look offended disaster, be afraid that the gentleman comes back blame, did not want to live, ate white arsenic frost first, often do not break out, eat red arsenic again, still cannot die, now giddy, lie here struggle to save one's life.
  5. There are two bottles in the cabinet, one bottle is white arsenic frost, one bottle is red arsenic, ten million is moved must not.
  6. Arsenic disulfide (As 2S 2) had the same effect as red orpiment did under the same experiment condition. 3. Allcharite, cinnabar and eolite are also the better carrier-minerals of gold.
  7. Generally speaking, the side effects of psoriasis medicine psoriasis than synthetic western medicines should be smaller, but also some larger drug toxicity, such as red arsenic stone, stone white arsenic, mercury, cantharidin, green mother insects, matchmaker insects, such as Health gamboge.
  8. The characteristics of adsorption of arsenic in red soil in Anshun and Zunyi areas affected by pH value and mineral were studied in this research work, and the adsorb mechanism of arsenic in red soil was discussed.
  9. Pot experiment with rice on two typical purple soils shows that in red purple soil phosphorus could reduce arsenic poisoning to rice, while the effect was just the opposite in red brown purple soil.
  10. In the red purple soil, arsenic was transformed from available arsenic (Fe As, Al As) to relatively inavailable one (O As) when phosphorus was added, thus reducing the biotoxicity of arsenic.
  11. Thus, such phenomena as vermilion turning black, aging of red lead and the fading of arsenic can now be more essentially represented by the chemical reactions of cinnabar having its crystal lattice transformed, lead tetroxide turned into lead dioxide, and arsenic sulfide turned into arsenic oxide.

red arsenic

un. 雄黄
[网络] 红信石;红砷;红砒
red arsenic