nam lake是什么意思 nam lake在线中文翻译

Nam Lake

Nam Lake 双语例句

  1. Freshwater lakes mostly lie in the former area, such as Poyang, Dongting, Taihu, and Hongze; while in the latter are saltwater lakes, such as Qinghai, Nam Co and Siling Co. Poyang Lake, in the north of Jiangxi Province and with an area of 3, 583 sq km, is the largest one of its kind and Qinghai Lake, in northeast Qinghai Province and with an area of 4, 583 sq km, is the largest one of its kind.
  2. With Nam Van Lake to the west and the China Sea to the south, the site is dominated by the presence of water, which influences all aspects of the design, from the fluid formal gestures to the faceted facades that interact with reflected light from the surrounding waters.
  3. To study the posts-depositional behaviors of organic pollutants in natural conditions, concentrations and distributions of free and bound PAHs in a sediment core from Nam Van artificial Lake of Macao were investigated.
  4. Glaciers and Lake Change in Response to Climate Change in the Nam Co Basin, Tibet
  5. And the climate got arid increasingly, temperatures fluctuated and the lake level dropped continuously after the warm and humid climate in the Holocene Climatic Optimum since the Nam Co stage.
  6. The Nam Co tectonic belt of WNW-trending occurring in west of the Namco Lake is composed of 20 thrust faults of north dipping, wide ductile shear zone, 4 belts of ophiolite pieces and many thrusted rock pieces.
  7. There are 6 lake terraces along the lake shore of Nam Co less than 48 m above the lake level and highstand lacustrine sediments 48 m to 139.2 m above the lake level.
  8. Reliability of NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data in the Lake and Glacier Area in the Nam Co Basin

Nam Lake

Nam Lake