motor press是什么意思 motor press在线中文翻译

motor press

motor press 双语例句

  1. The high precision numerical-control-compound-use pulse heat seal combines heat seal, soldering, ACF in it, matching the self-designed servo system of no oil and free-maintain and load workplace, while the stepping motor drive is controlled by PLC. Its predominant load, accelerate and decelerate linearity, repetitiveness and precision make the cylinder and other modes perfectly, moreover, it is easy to amend the parameter on the PLC and make the press and target position doing numeral adjustment. The temperature, time, daily output can be amended and displayed on the PLC penel straightly, all parameters can be seen.
  2. When the machine hand reads that going into current position knife has number after, we need factitiousness to press need to be choose of the prop can immediately pass the PLC control electric motor operation a realization to choose knife towards having a number button in response to the knife, .
  3. The paper is based on rotational parts of a kind of Screen Press machine tool. In order to guarantee the kinematics precision and stability of large rotational part, the technology of dual servo motor synchronous dive is adopted instead of conventional hydraulic servo drive.
  4. This design achieved according to three kinds of exact proportion of liquid mixture, stir the motor will mix the Yeti the output from the Rong Qi, and form Xunhuan state, even after the press stop button to Wancheng the end of the second mixed Caineng the Mudi.
  5. Press conference, Tianjin Jixian Notary Office issued the contents of motor vehicle licensing Kuifu Parkes added lubricants after traveling a certain distance, and then put oil inside the oil drop to non-continuous state after traveling 4018 kilometers for a certificate of public.
  6. At the beginning, the main energetic parameters of electrical screw press have been analyzed. Then, the calculation of motor power has been given out according to the performance items.
  7. The new type direct drive Volume Control Pump hydraulic press is driven by AC servo motor, so these two advantages above is combined and there are also many other advantages in this system such as energy saving, smaller bulk, low noise, simpler construct, easily being controlled by computer etc.
    新型直接驱动容积控制泵DDV(Direct Drive Volume Control Pump)液压机将交流伺服电动机用于液压机中,这种新的传动方式使得DDV 液压机具有节能性好、体积小、噪音低、结构简单、工作可靠性高、维修量小、对油液过滤精度要求低且易于实现计算机控制等显著优点,是目前新型液压机最重要的发展方向之一。
  8. It recorded high rise operation mechanism to turn round the liquid of the organization to press motor and rise heavy part to rise to rise the design that the liquid of the organization presses motor to choose a process in the text, and the liquid press a pump, the fuel tank chooses a process.
  9. The control circuit of this design reformation mainly used three exchanges contact the machine KM1, KM2, KM3 and control the principal axis electric motor M1; Cool off pump the electrical engineering M2 with fast move the electrical engineering M3, its control principle BE:Control the electric circuit passes control the output's 110 Vs of the transformer TC to communicate electric voltage power supply, is broken the machine FU2 by the Rong to make short-circuit proof, at normal work, often shut of the route of travel switch SQ1, the KM1 has to give or get an electric shock while being to press bootstrap button, M1 work, press SA2 pointses to cool off pump work in the meantime, the SB3 presses button for the fast mbulation.
  10. If dry, turn off the heater and motor, press any button not to respond, and issued a alarm sound until adding enough water to continue to use it.
  11. Press servo system is through a liquid of servo valve control the symmetry urn, the not symmetry urn, the servo valve control liquid of the servo valve control press three motive of motor unit etc.
  12. Lid landing gear box body is formed with the motor gearbox. When the furnace cover needs opening, simply press the button in the controlbox then the furnace cover will descend at a uniform speed. For the sake of safety, two movements institutions tops trip switch are mounted in the carburizing EAF. When the furnace cover is ascending, the lower movements institutions tops trip switch will automatically cut off the seepage carbon EAF
  13. In practice, and sometimes you can see an offset printing press to control cabinet within the terminals as a result of poor contact heat conductors, even in connection with widespread oxide layer, conductors burned out anti-chromotropic, which will seriously affect the main drive motor.
  14. PD015 series of horizontal stator hydropress is the press equipment specially used in pressing of motor stator into motor housing.
  15. Now the products of the company have formed 10 series, more then 100 kinds of hydropresses, Among them, there are mainly single column hydropress, fourcolumn hydropress, hydraulic rectifying machine, motor press mounting machine, motor aluminum casting machine, digital controlling hydropress, plastic product hydropress, thin plate stretching machine, universal hydropress and desktop hydropress etc..
  16. Automobilecylinder by the PLC, and then to the step motor driver, thereby promoting stepmotor action in order to achieve the purpose of regulating the press.
  17. Shown at the Geneva Motor Show without running gear and engine, being only a display car, it was later given the go-ahead and Nissan commissioned Ray Mallock Ltd to insert a mid mounted BTCC-derived Primera QG20DE engine for show and press demonstration purposes.
  18. Electric motor drives three cylinder piston pump working through belt, water is sucked into pump body inside by input water hose, output is by three branch, high press water is transferred into steel hydra water bag by high press hose through control bar, to achieveJumpo expansive pressure to push block split and down.
  19. The main pump motor 1 start button, press this button to start a pump motor Or institutions from operations (including principal, vice lifting) Platform linked to the right C5SA1 (master/deputy from the button or switch) to the main effect or spin; will C10SA3 (Main 100t/50t switch or button) to spin 100t.
  20. The machine from entering long States, that is, matching pressure, after the closing, when a machine speed up to 10% of the speed, the brush motor, heshui, ink, oil pump, and speed up to 20%, break detection work, epual character to at low speed, press the stop button to stop and automatically from the pressure.

motor press 单语例句

  1. The number of motor vehicles in Beijing has exceeded 2 million, an official with the municipal government's traffic committee told a press conference last month.
  2. Toyota Motor Corp President Akio Toyoda offered a sincere apology to Chinese consumers over its massive global recall in a press conference in Beijing Monday.

motor press

motor press


machinery: 指机器的总称。
engine: 既可泛指或大或小、简单或复杂的机械、机器,又可指产生动力的发动机或引擎。
motor: 通常指小型或轻型马达、发动机。
apparatus: 指具有特殊用途的装置。
mechanism: 指运行系统,简单的机械装置。
machine: 普通用词,泛指一切机器。

compress: 指把某些东西压在一起或使占有较小空间。
press: 普通用词,指一个物体在另一个物体上加压力。
squeeze: 多指从两面或多面施加压力来压紧、压碎或压出水来。
squash: 指某物受力被压偏或压碎。也指塞挤。
jam: 专指四面八方都压紧或塞满。

journal: 本义为“日报”,现在可指定期发生的周刊、月刊、季刊等或指学术团体出版的刊物、杂志或学报。
magazine: 指刊登各种文章、小说、诗歌、评议的杂志。
press: 系报刊总称,也指报界或报业。
periodical: 通常指除日报以外的定期出版刊物。
review: 多指登载评论性文章或讨论重大事件的文章的刊物。
newspaper: 一般指每日出版的报纸。
publication: 指出版物,发行物。