mobile sand是什么意思 mobile sand在线中文翻译

mobile sand

mobile sand 双语例句

  1. There are distinct vertical changes of soil moistur in mobile sand dune from 0 to 200 cm, 0-20 cm is surface dry sand bed, 20-140 cm is variational layer of rainfall effect, thereinto, 20-40 cm is smart variety layer of rainfall effect, below the depth of 140 cm is deep-seated stable layer.
  2. 64 And 174.39 square kilometers, accounting for 32.40%, 9.36% and 31.63% respectively. Summing up the 4 above-mentioned desertification areas with the area of mobile sand dunes determined as severe desertification, the total desertification area in 5965.86 square kilometers of study area is 4255.5 square kilometers, accounting for 71.33% of the study area, among which the areas of slight, moderate and severe desertification are 787.55, 770.14 and 2697.81 square kilometers, accounting for 13.20%, 12.91% and 45.22% respectively, which indicates that desertification in Yijinholo County is still under dangerous status, further control activities is necessary.
  3. At first, ecological mat can effectively reduce soil temperature of the soil layer from 0 cm to 15 cm, in detailed, the average daily soil temperature can decrease 2.06℃ to 4.56℃, which is benefit to reduce soil evaporation in high temperature; During the rainless period, the soil moisture content covered by ecological mat is much higher than mobile sand, especially, the soil moisture content of the layer form 0 cm to 15 cm always keep...
    首先生态垫能够显著降低沙地0~15 cm的土壤温度,日均温可降低2.06~4.56℃,有利于沙地高温条件下减少土壤蒸发;在连续无降雨的情况下,生态垫下各层次的土壤含水量都高于流动沙丘裸地,尤其是15~30 cm含水量相对稳定,人工植被建立后,其保存率、生长量较流动沙地均有较大幅度的提高。
  4. Since 1970`s, wind sand disasters in Shiquanhe town became severe; in 1980-199, it began to bury some parts of the town and there ar20000 m3 mobile sands in every winter which are dragged into the town and sand thickness in streets and fore and after houses are about 20-180cm.
  5. Soil moisture of sand grassland, semi-mobile sand and disturbed inter-dune bottomland, had distinctive variability and larger spatial change range of variability, after rainfall.
  6. The evaporating capacity of surface soil in mobile dune is mostly rest with thickness of dry sand bed, with the increasing of dry sand bed thickness, the evaporating capacity reduce gradually.
  7. Influence of dry sand bed thickness on soil moisture evaporation in mobile dune
  8. Infiltration and redistribution process of rainfall in desert mobile sand dune
  9. Our company produces the mountains brand sea sand by magnetic separators is unit, the iron ore into unit is passive mobile ground magnetic separation sand iron ore special-purpose machinery.
  10. Research of the Dynamic Changes of Mobile Sand Land and Desertification Process in the Typical Region of Kerqin; Studies on Soil Properties of Aeolian Sandy Land Improvement and Utilization in South Edge of Musu Desert
  11. The area of mobile dune, semi-mobile sand land and fixed sand land of the current desertification area occupies respectively 35.5%, 12% and 52.5% of total.
  12. My (grown-up) family has written off two digital cameras by getting sand in the zoom lens and even lost a mobile phone to heavy rain.
  13. Onthe basis of above analysis, the formation, development and evolution direction of the soil on mobile sand dunes and its position and naming in soil classification are approached.
  14. Practice for desertification land reversion in south fringe of Tengger Desert proved that the integrated countermeasures of desertification land enclosure compounded with artificial assistant methods at windward region could fix mobile sand dune by making use of elemental function;
  15. Porduct: Our main products include Auto slack adjusters (patent technology), 3G wheel hubs, magnesium alloy die-casting parts, Sand-Coated Die casting, mobile PC system etc.
  16. In the article, the soil physic character and seasonal variety of soil moisture in different position on mobile dunes are observed systematically, and the rainfall infiltration replenishment, redistribution process and evaporation on mobile sand dunes are studied by field observation and rainfall simulation, at the same time, the evaporation of different thickness of dry sand bed is tested with Micro-lysimeters.
  17. The results showed that on mobile sand, Hedysarum scoparium had the widest niche breadth, followed by Artemisia arenaria.
  18. A moderate clumping of mobile sand sites where vegetation covers were less than 20% were discovered using lacunarity analysis.

mobile sand 单语例句

  1. His work kit includes a shovel for clearing sand, a mobile phone to report any changes and a flashlight for night patrols.

mobile sand

mobile sand


diverse: 多种多样的,不同的
vivid: (记忆,描述)清晰的, 逼真的,(光,颜色)鲜艳的,耀眼的
alive: 活着的,有活力的,继续存在的
mobile: 易于快速移动的,易变的,流动的

moving: (正在)移动的;动人的;
movable: 可(被)移动的,能移动的
mobile: (自由)移动、变动(位置或地点)的;