manchu是什么意思 manchu在线中文翻译



Manchu 词典解释


Manchu 网络解释

  1. (满族)
    ...格鲁派统一西藏之时,满族(Manchu)正处在征服中国的最后阶段. 1644年他们创建了新的王朝--清朝--一直持续到1911年. 西藏的稳定一直持续到1682年,五世达赖喇嘛逝世. 那时转世继承的弱点导致了一段衰落期. 已故喇嘛的转世要到他死后才出生....
  2. 满族人
    ...在同一世纪的中国,满族人(Manchu)进入中原地区后,强迫所有男子束发结辫. 18世纪,走南闯北的英国海员看到中国男人的这种发式,觉得很酷,便竞相仿效,也留起了辫子,并称之为pigtail,把它作为时髦的象征. 直到19世纪,...

Manchu 双语例句

  1. After the founding of the Fengning Manchu autonomous county, the development of ethnic relations hit a new high.
  2. Pu file (1918-2003), Manchu, May 7, 1918 Health, its fast-Song Kan-yung, Peking Man.
    溥 佐 (1918-2003),满族,1918年5月7日生,号庸斋松堪,北京人。
  3. The periods of 1720~1760 and 1770~1800 hit historical record of population in Xiao-liu-qiu, attributing to the implement of immigration and sea-crossing policies by Manchu government.
  4. The qipao, a long Chinese dress with a straight collar and slit sides, originates from Manchu dress of the Qing Dynasty.
  5. The Manchu rulers were using'literary persecution'to silence any form of opposition.
  6. Throughout the entire history of Manchu dynasty, the *'literary persecution'started with individual isolated cases in Shunjhi and Kangxi times, then evolved into a were 53 cases of literary persecutions during Qianlong's reign.
  7. Throughout the entire history of Manchu dynasty, the *'literary persecution'started with individual isolated cases in Shunjhi and Kangxi times, then evolved into a pattern.
  8. The county a total of 13 ethnic minority composition, population of 10, 875 people of ethnic minorities to the Hui, Manchu as the main body, respectively, has a population of 5827 and 4834, respectively of the total population of ethnic minorities accounted for 54% and 44%.
  9. He supposed one of them announced the visit of the Manchu.
  10. I am very pleased to see what you and our teacher and other manchu fellowshave done for Manchu people.
  11. Section two expounds the creation and development of Manchu script, tells the relationship between Manchu script and Mongolian script.
  12. This triple alliance between Manchu despotism, Chinese feudalism and Western imperialism against the people of China had its counterpart in a triple betrayal.
  13. This is what we Manchu all day and would like to see.
  14. How did you start studying Manchu, when you were little?
  15. That person's father is Han and the mother is Manchu.
  16. Of or relating to the Manchu or their language or culture.
  17. By the age of 20, Kang Xi has been the Emperor of Manchu Qing Dynasty for 13 years.
  18. Mr. Ji review in 1864, when government offices in Heilongjiang General Manchu such a document: According to Deng Zuo Ling Jing said the amount was: level of compliance with al-tube to Jilinwula......
  19. Some used in the past, but to stop using the text, text that is Turkic, Uighur, Chagatai text, the text in Hetian, Yanqi - Qiuzi text, Su Li Wen, Basiba word Khitan characters Khitan Small, Tangut, Nuzhen text, pictures Dongba text, picture text Sabah, Dongba pictograph, Geba text of the water, Manchu and 17 languages.
  20. The conquest of as vast a country as China could be achieved only by incorporating millions of Chinese supporters into the Manchu ranks, and by relying on Chinese administrators to rule in the Manchus'name.

Manchu 单语例句

  1. The cheongsam evolved from Manchu fashions, which were originally made loose to hide a woman's figure.
  2. The rich pharmaceutical culture in Dandong has laid a solid foundation for the development of the Manchu pharmaceutical industry.
  3. She is a descendant of a noble Manchu family of the Yellow Banner Clan, some members of which were ministers of state under the Qing emperor.
  4. China's first Manchu language grammar book has been published as a step toward reviving the culture of the ethnic group.
  5. Gui from the Manchu ethnic group and is a management student at a local university.
  6. Over the past two centuries, the Xibe language was developed in tandem with the Manchu dialect.
  7. So here are some pointers for you when interacting with your Manchu friends.
  8. It turns out that many people I know happen to be Manchu.
  9. Even experts like the dean of Heilongjiang University's Manchu study center Zhao Aping believe the language will " disappear in 10 years ".
  10. Yan is director of Manchu studies at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences.

Manchu [mæn'tʃu:]

n. 满语;满族人
adj. 满族的;满语的
n. a member of the Manchu speaking people of Mongolian race of Manchuria; related to the Tungus; conquered China in the 17th century
n. the Tungusic language spoken by the Manchu