labor value是什么意思 labor value在线中文翻译

labor value

labor value 双语例句

  1. The main component of the system of labor value theory that the simple work of Marx and intricate work theory are him.
  2. Even if in the condition of modern information technology, labor is still the sole source of value creation.
  3. Theory of labor value; theory of monopolistic price; socialist society
  4. Lenin's theory of monopolistic price, which creatively develops from Marx's theory of labor value under the condition of monopoly capit...
  5. Fruit grading machine will be used in actual production will help improve labor productivity and fruit value of the goods and increase agricultural efficiency and income of the farmers, has enormous economic and social benefits.
  6. Marx labor and labor theory of value are one of academic cornerstone of scientific socialism.
  7. The concept of will exiguous sex introduces labor theory of value to be necessary already, possible also.
  8. The relation of labor productivity and magnitude of value is one of core content of labor theory of value.
  9. It violates seriously the labor theory of value. The paper begins with the labor theory of value, and then analyzes the current situation of the labor value level. Secondly, it points out the problems in the management to labor costs, studies the two basic elements of direct engineering costs in the project cost, quota consumption and unit labour cost. Thirdly, it establishes a dynamic management mechanism about the labor costs in project cost mainly through the analysis on the quota consumption and unit labour cost. At last, the paper puts forward suggestions to solve the labor problems of labor payment management from the determination, distribution, motivation and supervision to the remuneration and so on.
  10. Therefore, as a new theoretical analysis tools, the global value chain theory can be used to analyze the current situation of the international division of labor, local industries in developing countries how to effectively integrate into the global economy, the realization of industrial upgrading of great theoretical significance.
  11. It is impossible for all people to accept labor value theory due to the complexity of epistemology and class consciousness.
  12. The drawing-up of appropriate marketing strategies is an endeavor of enterprises to turn their products into social labor, and thus is an important work to realize the value and objectives of labor.
  13. And academia however the discussion that the person did not stop to say to axiology and innovation, appoint each group of Cantabrigian school and contemporary bourgeois economics from effectiveness of classical, limit, between them dispute each other and academic to other places assess, it is the scientific sex that proved Marx labor theory of value more.
  14. The economic value, ecosystem value and the social value of the natural resources are closely linked together, and in the modern economy, the value of nature resources manifest in its scarceness, the resources property rights and the labor value.
  15. The become privileged of the labor that the value of contemporary China commodity forms the immediate cause; that is its generation to produce goods is the prime cause that its produce.
  16. Deepen the reform that labor theory of value spends to promoting our country assignment system, have important theory and practice sense.
  17. Labor and labor theory of value are contacted already dissociable.
  18. Secondly, the Categony of use value is also the starting point and basis of the duality of labor.
    首先 ,使用价值是劳动价值论的起点范畴;其次,使用价值范畴也是劳动二重性理论的起点和基础;第三,使用价值是价值形式理论的重要范畴;第四,使用价值是表达价值规律内容的基本范畴。
  19. The ground put forward Marx creativity the theory of labor twoness, founded scientific labor theory of value.
  20. The paper analyzed the dual nature of labor and surplus value, revealed how to underst...

labor value 单语例句

  1. Qin said China has approved conventions on equal pay for work of equal value, prohibition of child labor and elimination of job discrimination.
  2. Fast appreciating yuan value, rising cost of labor and raw materials are also key reasons for the situation.
  3. But we hit an impregnable wall when it comes to free flow across the world of people eager to maximize the value of their labor.
  4. It is the value of gross industrial output minus the value of intermediate inputs like raw materials and labor.
  5. It is the value of gross industrial output minus intermediate inputs, such as raw materials and labor.
  6. Homecoming migrant workers should value their fruits of labor and avoid gambling during the holidays.
  7. It is simply the Labor Theory of Value updated to be measured in joules, still a strange concept in Marx's time.

labor value

labor value


evaluate: 与appraise相似,指使判断绝对准确,但多用于对人物的某方面的评价,很少用于评价某物的市场价值。
rate: 专指评定价值等级的高低。
value: 侧重指一般人对某物的价值或价格所作的估计。
assess: 原义指对为确定交多少税而估计,引申指通过估价以便更好利用。
estimate: 通常指由个人作出的主观估价。
appraise: 指以专家身份作了最终精确的估价。

value: 侧重指使用价值,着重人、物或事所具有的重要性、用途或优秀品质等。
worth: 与value近义,但前者强调事物本身的价值。