jump phenomenon是什么意思 jump phenomenon在线中文翻译

jump phenomenon

jump phenomenon 双语例句

  1. Product-sum outside Hong Kong by special plane to deal with, easy to overcome the damp wood, the phenomenon of cracking, and jump to its new style, robust technology, excellent quality, around the country, by the trust of the majority of manufacturers, factory has a complete management system, at any time for the users would like to urgent needs.
  2. At present, because of the fierce competition in the market economy, overload-work and job pressure which is too heavy to bear, is now become a social phenomenon, such as " the death of overload-work ", " the thirteen jump of Foxcon ".
  3. Turn of the century, many rural areas'Ritual Favor some strange phenomenon occurred: the funeral striptease on the jump, " Hui Gong Cu Po ", and human circle expanded, numerous human, human cycle time is shorter, human economy as farmers Burden.
  4. Based on laboratory experiments and theoretical analysis, the equilibrium conditions of submerged clay mud, the phenomenon and mechanisms of efflux from orifice, distance of mud free jet, hydraulic jump of mud flow and local resistance of open channel mud flow are discussed in this paper.
  5. Hydraulic jump is a basic hydraulic phenomenon in nature and engineering, which are general of turbulent and submerged, including the complicated free surface.
  6. The circuit impedance analysis results show that the frequency jump phenomenon are rooted in appearance of the multi zero phase angle frequency in system impedance.
  7. It could be discovered that there were no significant differences and jump facies phenomenon between the Yangtze block and Cathaysia block but very similar, and the sedimentary facies zones took on a continuous and complete planar distribution pattern. 5.
  8. The occurrence of jump resonance in nonlinear feedback system is a well known phenomenon, which may be determined by means of graphical method from analysing fhe behavior of the linear part of the system on the complex plane.
  9. The results of simulation show that by using jump function as disturbance, the phenomenon of that the steady-state errors are existed when using LOEC could be simulated in computer sedation.
  10. Art and technology should be a steeples speed relations, mutually exclusive, interaction and mutual dependence, only hold good technology and art degree, can jump instantly " pseudo art " phenomenon into a trap.
  11. Through the usage analysis of a speed governing system identified were the causes leading to the sliding load and load jump phenomenon discovered in the mechanical/hydraulic speed governing system of a 200 MW steam turbine, which used a high-speed elastic governor as sensing elements.
  12. Through the research of crosslinking of matrix resin, heating treatment of composite and mixing of different polymer, we draw some conclusions: 1、Percolation theory can explain the phenomenon of the jump of resistance when the content of CB reach a critical volume;
  13. Furthermore, the cle~r theoretical stand of Williams enabled him jump out of the old aesthetical theory frame, and explore the MC-the new cultural phenomenon & on a new theoretical basis.
  14. Long-jump it have high speed degree and sport characteristic of high strength, joint, muscle of long jumper damage phenomenon take place occasionally.
  15. The analysis also found the phase jump phenomenon of annual SSHA fluctuation in the southern and northern equator warm current regions.
  16. The jump phenomenon is found in these systems. The non-linearity of resistance and inductance can change the nonlinear stiffness characteristic of response curves, and the results of the series method are in good agreement with the results of Runge-Kutta method.
  17. The systematic analyses show that the upper westerly jet has northward jump phenomenon for two times during the transforming process from winter to summer and they are closely related to summer monsoon activities.
  18. After departing from the dust post, the late silicosis and " jump-phase " phenomenon were founded.
  19. Effect of applied stress on exchange bias in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers and the phenomenon of the jump
  20. In this paper, based on the envelope correlation algorithm, through the analyze of the properties of high-resolution range profiles (HRRP), using iterative envelope correlation algorithm to reduce the drift error and the influence of " sudden Jump phenomenon ".

jump phenomenon

jump phenomenon


skip: 指两脚交替轻地跳或跨的动作。
hop: 指单脚短跳或双足猛力的动作。也指小鸟、青蛙等的跳。
spring: 更强调有力和弹跳的运动。
bound: 多指向前向上或向下跳跃、奔跳。
leap: 常可与jump换用,但侧重身体猛力向上升起并朝前急冲的动作,有时含突然的意味。
jump: 是普通用词,指用双脚向上跳,向下跳,或在同一平面上跳到有一定距离的某一点上,或跳过。

phenomenon: 指罕见的现象或奇人、奇事。
miracle: 一般指被认为是人力所办不到的奇异之事。
marvel: 侧重异乎寻常,奇怪,从而使人好奇。
wonder: 通常指使人惊奇的事迹、人物或景观,主要指人创造的奇迹。