hurricane watch是什么意思 hurricane watch在线中文翻译

hurricane watch

hurricane watch 双语例句

  1. Florida governor Jet Bush says it`s time for visitors to leave the state as it faces the first hurricane watch of the season. Ernesto was downgraded to a tropical storm late Sunday, but forecasters say it is likely to regain hurricane status once it gets back over the warm waters of Gulf Mexico.
    佛羅裡達州政府Jet Bush稱由於面臨今季第一次暴風警界,旅客應該離開此州,這Ernesto在周日已經降至熱帶暴風強度,但預報員稱一旦回到墨西哥海灣的暖水區,有可能增強回暴風雨的強度。
  2. Watch out Mary Poppins, the hurricane howling through the world's financial markets is starting to be felt in the rarefied world of the British nanny.
  3. A hurricane watch has been extended to the Louisiana coast and New Orleans.

hurricane watch 单语例句

  1. A hurricane watch was issued for the Cayman Islands, meaning hurricane conditions could be felt there within 36 hours.
  2. A watch means hurricane conditions with wind of at least 74 mph are possible within 36 hours.
  3. The tropical storm warning and hurricane watch were discontinued for areas south of Sargent early Tuesday.
  4. It's expected to then veer back toward the mainland, and a hurricane watch was posted for parts of north Florida and Georgia.
  5. While upgrading Isidore's status, the Miami hurricane center also issued a tropical storm watch for the lower Florida Keys.

hurricane watch

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hurricane watch


typhoon: 主要指西太平洋海洋上发生的极猛烈的风暴,风力常达十级以上。
storm: 指雷电交加的暴风雨,也多作引申用。
hurricane: 指12级大风,有时指发生在西印度群岛的大气旋。

look: 侧看“重”的动作。
see: 指看见。
observe: 侧重以客观的态度进行观察。
watch: 指用眼睛跟随某物,以便对每一个变化、运动等进行观察。
witness: 指当场看见,亲眼看见。